Atomic Partnership: Russia Delivers Nuclear Reactor to Chinese Power Plant

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia has successfully delivered a nuclear reactor vessel and other equipment for Unit 7 of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in China, Atomstroyexport JSC representatives told Sputnik on Thursday.
The reactor vessel for the Tianwan NPP Unit 7 was manufactured at the Atommash nuclear power plant factory in Volgodonsk, Rostov region, which is part of Rosatom, Russia's state nuclear energy corporation. In June, the reactor vessel, along with four steam generators, three main circulation pump casings, and a pressurizer, was shipped from the Port of St. Petersburg to the International Cargo Port in Lianyungang, China. After a two-month journey, the shipment arrived at the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant.

Alexey Bannik, Atomstroyexport JSC vice president for projects in China and prospective projects, told Sputnik that upon arrival, the VVER-1200 reactor vessel, which weighs 334.2 tons and is 12 meters long, as well as all other equipment, will be subjected to a mandatory inspection through an entry control process. The Chinese customer, Atomstroyexport (also part of Rosatom), and the Russian manufacturer’s specialists will meticulously inspect the Russian products. If both sides give a positive assessment, preparations will begin for the equipment to be installed inside the reactor building.

Currently, the installation of the dome structure for Unit 7 of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant has been completed. The installation and assembly of the polar crane inside the building preceded the process. The Russian side expects that this year, the reactor vessel for Unit 7 will be placed in its designated position, followed by the installation of other equipment and systems inside the building, Alexey Bannik said.

Providing details about the installation process, the Atomstroyexport vice president explained that the builders would first lift the reactor vessel by a crane to the reactor building, then transport it through a transport gateway, and then finally install it within the building using a polar crane. This process requires the highest level of skill and precision from the installation specialists.
Unit 7 is expected to produce its first kilowatts of energy in 2026, according to contractual obligations.

In parallel with the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant project, another Russian-designed NPP project, the Xudabao NPP, also known as Xudapu, is also being implemented in China. At the end of July, the dome was installed on the reactor building of Unit 3. The Russian side is eagerly awaiting the delivery of the reactor vessel to the construction site in the fall.
Last month, at the Atomenergomash plant in Volgodonsk, a ceremony was held to mark the shipment of the giant nuclear reactor vessel and steam generators for this project. In 2024, the equipment for the next two units of the Tianwan and Xudapu power plants will be shipped, Igor Kotov, CEO of Atomenergomash, pointed out during the equipment shipment ceremony. He emphasized that the production of equipment for these four units in China is a key project in the strategic partnership between Russia and China in the energy sector, which is personally overseen by Alexey Likhachev, the director general of Rosatom.

The Xudapu Nuclear Power Plant is located in Liaoning province, China. Power Units 3 and 4 are being built according to Russian designs and meet all modern safety requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Rosatom Corporation is carrying out the design and construction of the project. The groundbreaking ceremony for the new units at the Xudapu NPP took place in May 2021, with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping via videoconference.

The nuclear energy partnership between Russia and China spans more than a decade. Four units of the Tianwan NPP are currently in operation using Russian designs. Two more units equipped with VVER-1200 reactors are currently under construction. The Russian side highly appreciates the professionalism of its Chinese counterparts and looks forward to further developing this partnership, Atomstroyexport told Sputnik.

Russia continues to engage in mutually beneficial cooperation with friendly nations, with important energy projects moving forward. Rosatom's efforts in China are an example of constructive partnership, opening up new prospects in the field of low-carbon power generation.

This article originally appeared at