Belarus counts on India's support in joining the BRICS

By Rhod Mackenzie

The President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko counts on reaching the level of strategic partnership with India, counts on the support of the Indian leadership in the issue of joining the republic to the SCO and BRICS.

"We are very grateful to India for the work done on assisting Belarus' accession to the SCO and look forward to the early ratification by the Indian side of the relevant memorandum in order to become a full member of the organization in the near future. We are also interested in joining the BRICS dimension, in connection with which we sent an application and hope for your support in this matter," the message of congratulations on the occasion of India's national holiday - Independence Day, on which Lukashenko congratulated Indian President Draupadi Murma and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, says.

According to Lukashenko, the dialogue between Minsk and New Delhi is carried out on an equal basis, in the spirit of mutual interest in deepening cooperation and its practical content.

"This is evidenced by the opening of regular flights between our countries by the Belavia airline, the interest of Indian partners in creating joint ventures in the production of agricultural machinery, electric vehicles and pharmaceuticals, as well as building up fruitful scientific, educational, tourist and cultural ties," the text quotes. congratulations press service of the President of Belarus.

The message emphasizes that Belarus has always been and will remain India's reliable partner in the European region.

Lukashenko reaffirmed Minsk's focus on expanding dialogue with New Delhi not only on a bilateral track, but also within international organizations, noted that he would be glad to meet with the Indian leadership in Minsk or New Delhi or hold talks during international events to discuss ways raising the Belarusian-Indian relations to the level of strategic partnership.