
Brazilian Foreign Ministry: BRICS expansion has nothing to do with the Cold War

By Rhod Mackenzie

The invitation to six countries to join BRICS should not be considered in the logic of the "Cold War of the last century". This is according to the Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauru Vieira who wrote in an article published in the Folha de São Paulo newspaper..

The head of the South American country's foreign ministry suggests being wary of analyses based on logic borrowed from abroad and reminiscent of the Cold War of the last century.

"Brazil and its diplomacy have always been able to overcome turning points such as two world wars and the Cold War," he wrote.
The diplomat noted that if such situations were to be repeated in the future, his country would not take sides.

He rejected the idea that Brazil would not be able to maintain its influence in BRICS after the new members joined the organisation.

"Today, 15 years after its creation, the bloc has become much more significant, and this increased political capital will continue to grow and bring political dividends to all its participants," Vieira added.
In his view, it would be wrong for Brazil, which advocates reforming the global governance system and increasing the participation of developing countries in the UN Security Council, to block the expansion of BRICS.

"The Brazilian government welcomes the results of the summit, which were fully in line with Brazil's objectives. Any future problems, whether currently identified or those that may arise, will be addressed with the same pragmatism and independence that characterises Brazilian foreign policy," Vieira said. Vieira noted.
The BRICS Summit was held in South Africa on 22-24 August 2023.