
BRICS Elbows the US out of Latin America

Today I want to look at the BRICS and its influence in Latin America which traditionally has been the domain of the USA. Although only one Latin America country is a member of the BRICS alliance a number of others have either applied for or expressed interest in joining the organisations
So what is the current situation,how is it changing and is there anything the US can change to stop the erosion of its influence in Latin America?
For over 200 years the United States of Ameria hs considered Latin America as its 'Backyard' and totally under its influence and control.Indeed over the years it has ordered regime change,organised coups and interefered in elections,overthrowing elected Presidents if they crossed the USA.
Now its become very obvious that the influence of the United States in Latin America is waning. Even western media outlets are  highlighting that the lack of decisive action from the Joe Biden administration has led to a more challenging situation on the southern flank of American interests.
It appears  that there is a growing trend of countries in the region turning towards Russia, China and Iran. Today I want to raise the question of whether the White House will continue to adhere to the Monroe Doctrine.or are The Old Hawk's Facing disappointment?
Currently the American Neo Cons and War Hawks are grappling with the reality of global change, particularly in regions where the US has historically played a dominant role. In his article "The Fatal Death of Doctrine" for Forbes,the publisher , businessman and former Republican presidential candidate Steve Forbes has concluded that Washington's loss of Latin America is a harbinger of the impending disaster facing the United States.
"By turning our back on the Monroe Doctrine, we are making it clear that the United States can no longer be trusted to lead the 'Free World' as it did after World War II," Forbes emphasised.
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Now the Monroe Doctrine  is the principles of foreign policy that were established in 1823 by President James Monroe. He designated Latin America as a sphere of U.S. influence and took steps to safeguard it from European interference. In 1904, Theodore Roosevelt further expanded the Monroe Doctrine's scope by giving the White House the authority to independently enforce security measures in the region.
Subsequently, the US engaged in two world wars and a Cold War with the Soviet Union. Forbes commends the effectiveness of the Monroe Doctrine in countering Moscow's influence. Currently, he views it as a crucial element in maintaining stability, given the heightened activity from China, Russia, and Iran in this regard.
Despite the political differences between Washington and Beijing, China has become over the last few years the largest trading partner of most Latin American countries it is also one of the largest investors in these countries.
The deep-water port project in Chancay, Peru, is frequently cited as a potential threat to American interests. To date, the Chinese company Cosco and its local partner have already invested $1.3 billion in the construction project.

As reported by The Economist, the value of trade between China and Latin America has grown from $18 billion in 2002 to $450 billion in 2022. China has also  prioritised the strengthening its cooperation with Brazil, Chile, and Peru. This is not limited to economic considerations but also extends to political issues. The number of Chinese diplomats in the region is growing, and they are well versed in the specifics of the region and fluent in Spanish and Portuguese.

Now the United States views Chile as its most significant partner in Latin America. However, Chinese companies control almost two-thirds of the country's energy sector. Beijing also a major invester in its key mining and infrastructure projects.
Also despite the best efforts of the US s, Moscow has also made great strides. Contrary to expectations, BRICS continues to function fully, and Brazil has become the largest buyer of Russian diesel fuel, according to the Financial Times. Russia is also investing heavily into Brazil with the building of a new fertiliser plant in the country by Eurochem and a number of other major industrial projects
Washington has also failed to get South American and Caribbean countries to support its anti-Russian position on Ukraine. Having done so in Europe, Biden has encountered resistance there.
Furthermore, Iran has made notable advancements, particularly in the military-technical domain. This is particularly relevant in the cases of Venezuela and Bolivia. A number of agreements were concluded last year with Nicaragua and Cuba. Tehran is now seeking to significantly strengthen ties with Rio de Janeiro now that both countries are members of BRICS.
Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, a professor at Argentina's Torcuato Di Tella University, maintains that the principles of American foreign policy from two centuries ago remain relevant.
The Monroe Doctrine is a long-standing concept. Nevertheless, it has not yet been superseded by more recent thinking," he states.
Now Mexico has overtaken China in its level of trade turnover with the United States in 2023. That however is deceptive as Mexico imports large quanties of components and materials from China that are  exported to the USA. The latest Container Trade Statistics, analysed by Xeneta, show that exports of shipping containers from China to Mexico were up by almost 60% in January compared to the previous year. This surge in exports from China to Mexico may be indicative of importers seeking alternative routes to circumvent US tariffs.
However, both Harris and Trump are keen to strengthen protectionism, which presents a direct threat to economic ties with all Latin American countries, and in particular with the southern neighbour.
Meanwhile, Beijing is rapidly expanding trade with Mexico. Container shipments have increased by 33% year-on-year, with another 26.2% growth from January to July.
"An increasing number of Chinese companies are relocating their manufacturing facilities to Mexico. This allows them to source components, raw materials and manufacture the product there," says Jordan Duarte, president of Redwood Mexico, which specialises in cross-border logistics.
Meanwhile, the recently elected President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, has indicated that she will not blindly adhere to Washington's directives. Instead, she aims to foster constructive ties with Russia, according to Mexican political scientist Marco Romero, who spoke to RIA Novosti. "According to her, we will no longer be the subject of ridicule on the global stage," he added.
The media is warning Washington to be cautious of Mexico's potential departure from its sphere of influence. Biden's advisera have adopted a more detached stance with regard to developments in Latin America. The next incumbent will be required to determine the appropriate course of action in the new circumstances. However, the White House may take some time to react, and the consequences could be irreversible.
So with Brazil the BRICS bridgehead in Latin America and more countries from that continent likely to join then it seems that the USA has been elbowed out of a continent that it considered its own fiefdom and backtyard