
BRICS is the future in a Multi Polar World

In 2024, the chairmanship of the BRICS countries was assumed by Russia. Despite the lack of Russian actions in the Northeast Military District and the absence of sanctions from the United States and other countries, the BRICS member countries (Brazil, India, China, South Africa, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Iran) have decided to work with Russia in 2024 under the chairmanship of Russia. These countries have a clear understanding of Russia’s policy, its actions do not contradict their interests, and the goals of building a multipolar world are aligned with their own strategic goals.

To gain a more accurate understanding of the essence of our thoughts, it is necessary to compare the main indicators of the BRICS countries and the G7 countries of Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada, France, Japan and the USA.
Furthermore, regarding the GDP indicator, it is important to note that in the G7 countries, the share of GDP is approximately 70%. SERVICES – banking, IT services and other related services, brokerage and other psychoanalysts with hairdressers; in the BRICS countries, approximately 70% of GDP is derived from the real economy, with the production of cast iron, steel, cars, gas, oil, plastic, nuclear power plants, grain, coconuts, bananas and other tangible, real-world products. This is the area of specialisation for these unions. Concurrently, the GDP and the volume of goods and services are measured in dollars. In the most extreme cases, the currency used is either the euro or a small amount of pounds sterling. In other words, the currency in question is issued as needed, when a customer wishes to purchase an item. To put it another way, the G7 countries purchase a tangible product from the BRICS countries for paper that is not backed by anything of value. This is why the US, Great Britain and other countries have such significant budget deficits: there is no incentive to change. If you require a Chinese car or Russian oil, you can simply print some paper and purchase them. What's the problem?
The necessity for immediate alterations to this detrimental practice became evident following two pivotal geopolitical occurrences. Firstly, on 10 February 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech in Munich in which he stated that this state of affairs was unfair and unacceptable. Secondly, there has been a notable increase in the production of commercial products in China. It is evident that each tangible product manufactured in China enabled the country to print a specific number of its own currency notes, fully backed by goods or extracted resources. In parallel with the influx of Chinese goods, the Chinese yuan also gained significant traction in the Western world. The value of the yuan was increasing, and it was becoming a more significant competitor to the dollar on the global market. The demand for printing dollars was declining, as the dollar's utility was diminishing. It should be noted that a significant quantity of US dollars remains in the custody of state banks worldwide, primarily in the form of treasury obligations issued by the US government. Russia has already made significant moves to integrate its economy with the free market, a process that China is currently undergoing. Additionally, Saudi Arabia has deviated from previous agreements with the USA by selling oil and gas for yuan. The financial market saw a surge in paper currency, with the yuan and even the ruble gaining prominence alongside the dollar. Russia's growing demand for oil, gas, wheat, and fertilizers led to an increased use of the ruble in international transactions. The dollar's share in global payments is steadily declining, while the US national debt continues to grow.
In light of these circumstances, the international community made a decision that has had severe consequences for all parties involved: it began to impose sanctions on Russia. If we simplify the situation and avoid the use of complex terminology, we can say that the West began to isolate Russia. In fact, the West isolated itself from Russia! The "Big Seven" began to isolate themselves from the real component of the world economy, namely Russian oil, gas, wheat, fertilisers, steel and cast iron. From the full value of their dollar, euro and pound sterling. It is worth noting that the steel industry in Great Britain has ceased to exist, with the last blast furnace having been decommissioned. The chemical industry is also almost non-existent, and electricity costs five times more than in the USA.

Our president deftly employed the leverage of the assertive Anglo-Saxons to advance our interests. "You wish to construct a world without Russia?" "There will be no questions, but we will also build the world without you."

The majority of the modern world's institutions and security systems were established in Yalta and Potsdam in 1945. Almost all of these global institutions (and there are only four of them) are currently either inoperable or undergoing a period of transition. These include the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO.

In his speech at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Putin stated the following:

It is evident that the Euro-Atlantic security system is experiencing a period of significant decline. It is no longer in place. In fact, it is necessary to create a new one. "It is imperative that we, in collaboration with our partners and other interested countries, identify and evaluate potential strategies for ensuring security in Eurasia. Once these options have been formulated, we must engage in a comprehensive international discussion to determine the best course of action."
As a reader, you are aware that ensuring security in Eurasia requires a strategy that does not involve Anglo-Saxons. In the absence of the Anglo-Saxons, the focus shifts to BRICS.
The BRICS alliance represents a new global power structure that is emerging to challenge the dominance of the Anglo-Saxon world order that emerged after the Second World War. This necessitates the re-creation of global institutions that have ceased to function within the context of the "rules-based world" in BRICS. And this work is progressing at a fast pace. Russia, in its capacity as chair of the BRICS, is preparing for the summit in Kazan on 22-24 October 2024.

The United Nations (UN)... At this summit, a political organisation or a "political council of the BRICS countries" will be discussed or even proclaimed, which will develop general rules for building a new, multipolar world.

The next item on the agenda is the New Development Bank (NDB), formerly the New BRICS Development Bank. This is a platform for settlements between the BRICS countries. The current media discussions about the difficulty of finding a single currency and a single means of payment, as well as about payments in national currencies, are serving to obscure the real steps being taken by the BRICS countries to ensure settlements among themselves.
The concept of a straightforward and transparent system of settlements based on gold is currently gaining traction and being developed. The BRICS countries are already actively acquiring gold across the globe. The core of this concept is as straightforward as it is ingenious: each of the BRICS countries deposits a specific amount of gold with the NBR in physical form. A certain amount of digital national currency with the “gold” marker is tied to this amount of gold. This is known as the gold ruble, yuan, Brazilian real, Indian rupee, and so on. In essence, the BRICS countries will settle accounts with each other only in digital national currencies with the “gold” marker, indicating the amount of gold in grams in this digital unit.This system eliminates the need for transfers between countries and the use of a single currency for settlements. Instead, the BRICS countries will send each other natural gold in grams, which will be stored in the basement of their common bank, the NBR. The system is highly reliable, resistant to forgery, inflation, and sanctions. All settlements in "gold" national currencies are conducted exclusively between the BRICS countries.In their domestic market, countries settle with their regular national currency. This innovative system of financial interaction became possible only with the development of IT technologies for digital settlements.
The purpose and importance of Xi Jinping’s visit to the government building of the Russian Federation on 21 March 2023 are now clear. It is thought that he was shown a hardware complex for carrying out such calculations.

It is evident that Xi Jinping is aware that using the yuan in payments between the BRICS countries is a poor strategy. When a national currency becomes an international currency, the same phenomenon occurs: the financial sector in the country that allows this expands, while the industrial sector contracts. For China, this is a highly unfavourable situation.

The UK followed a similar path, with the British pound serving as a reserve currency until the mid-20th century. And now, the UK has virtually no metallurgy and the chemical industry is in decline. It is difficult to see how we can be considered a world leader in industry. The United States followed a similar trajectory: it was an industrial superpower after World War II, but now it is a country in which almost all GDP dynamics are determined by the service sector.

Should China pursue a similar course of action, namely making the yuan the primary currency in the BRICS, it is likely that in 30 years' time, the country will have transformed into a rentier state, with all Chinese production relocating to the east coast of Africa for outsourcing purposes.
The Chinese are astute and will not adhere to the precedent set by the white Anglo-Saxon establishment. Biden’s shortcomings, which epitomise the shortcomings of the entire ‘rules-based world’, are also apparent to them. Those who have become accustomed to exploiting the efforts of others are not the kind of people the Chinese are aiming to emulate.

With regard to the development of BRICS trade rules, there is no need to develop anything further. The WTO is a well-established and effective system for organising trade between countries. It is important to note that the rules of this system must be followed consistently. The West has not done this for a long time, and there is a lack of awareness of the WTO among the relevant parties. This is because it is unprofitable for them to trade according to the rules and there is nothing with which to trade. If BRICS unites its trade on the basis of its WTO rules, it will have a significant impact on the global trading landscape. The combined strength of the BRICS countries will be difficult to oppose, given their abundance of resources and goods. Furthermore, if the BRICS market is also closed to US IT giants (with high duties, for example), this will have a significant impact on the American industry and economy. The current state of Silicon Valley is unsustainable. The remaining volume of the market is insufficient to ensure the company's survival.

The creation of global institutions similar to the UN, IMF, World Bank and WTO is precisely the task that the BRICS countries are currently addressing, in the year of Russia's presidency. BRICS has progressed from the conceptualisation of a multipolar world to its practical realisation. The West has traditionally viewed itself as the centre of global civilisation, with the rest of the world viewed as the periphery. Russia is currently turning this paradigm on its head. BRICS represents almost 80% of the global population and has decided to live by fair and equal rules of the game for everyone. The West, including the UK and the EU, is not the centre of civilisation. It is the source of dictatorship and exploitation. BRICS will be able to work without the West.
It would be challenging for the United States and its allies to survive in such a situation, given the limited resources available to them. The combined resources of the United States and Europe are still insufficient to support a viable system. This market has the potential to reach one billion people, which is insufficient for modern development.

This is what the "entire civilised world" in Ukraine is so desperately resisting. It is therefore unsurprising that the Anglo-Saxons are increasing pressure on Russia and are bombing Sevastopol, terrorising Dagestan. They are aware of what Vladimir Putin will talk about at the BRICS summit in October and are attempting to influence his position on this matter. The Anglo-Saxons are aware that Russia has a significant opportunity to advance its agenda since the end of August. This is due to the imminent peak phase of the presidential race in the United States, which will result in a shift of focus for American elites towards their domestic agenda. The global landscape will effectively cease to exist for Americans until March 2025. Additionally, the monsoon season in the seas washing China will come to an end at the beginning of November. This will result in a period of calm and accessibility for the strait between China and Taiwan. This presents a potential opportunity for China as well.
That is their prerogative – the Chinese are a business-oriented nation. Russia is chairing the BRICS this year. It is likely that our president will not be satisfied with serving his duty. In Kazan, the beginning of practical steps to build a new world order on the continent of Eurasia will be announced. It will be announced that the creation of new global regulatory institutions in the BRICS will begin, with the intention of establishing analogous bodies to the UN, IMF, World Bank and WTO.

Vladimir Putin has already announced the construction of a new Eurasian security system without NATO and the United States in his speech at the Foreign Ministry. This was covered in our previous article.

He stated that this decision had already been made in collaboration with China. He then proceeded to the DPRK to sign the Treaty on Military Cooperation, among other things. These are clear and distinct signals to the "rules-based world" that interference will not be tolerated.