
China comments on US chip export restrictions

By Rhod Mackenzie

US measures to restrict chip exports to China violate market rules and will lead to the fragmentation of the global semiconductor market, said Chinese commerce ministry spokesman He Yadong.

In early September, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said the US would be as strict and tough as possible in its efforts to limit China's access to cutting-edge microchips. Raimondo noted that such actions by the American administration are dictated by the desire to hinder the development of China's military power, but the United States does not plan to completely ban Beijing's access to American chips.

"US measures to restrict chip exports to China violate market rules and will lead to the fragmentation of the global semiconductor market, which not only harms the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies, but also seriously affects the interests of semiconductor manufacturers around the world, including the US," He Yadong said.
He also noted that China is the world's largest semiconductor market, and by artificially restricting normal trade exchanges, the US will not only harm others, but also itself.

Earlier, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing sources, that US President Joe Biden's administration was considering new restrictions on exports to China of chips and cloud services used in artificial intelligence technologies. In addition to the supply of microprocessors, cloud services for Chinese companies involved in artificial intelligence technologies could also be subject to export restrictions.