
China hopes to boost ties with EU now ties with US stabilised

By Rhod Mackenzie

China and the EU, alongside significant European powers including France, are set to enhance communication and cooperation. Analysts suggest that the recent San Francisco summit has partially alleviated China-US tensions, subsequently promoting a more practical approach for Europe in cultivating relations with China.

Owing to disruption and interference from the United States, the EU and some of its constituents lack the means to make policy independently in their dealings with China. Once Sino-US relations have stabilised, the China-EU relations may seize fresh opportunities to address persistent issues, including the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). Analysts stated that both parties will consider cooperation to address difficulties arising from the Ukraine crisis and the Palestine-Israel conflict. 

The Xinhua News Agency reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping urged his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, to promote the long-standing China-France friendship and elevate the relations to a new standard. 

On Tuesday, Bloomberg reported that Catherine Colonna, the French Foreign Affairs Minister, is set to travel to China this week to alleviate tensions after a European anti-subsidy investigation was announced, led by Paris, into Chinese electric vehicles.

The diplomat plans to advocate for a fair relationship that upholds the sovereignty of the European Union, according to an anonymous diplomatic source in compliance with government regulations. The EU probe, started in September, has raised worries of "a potential tit-for-tat tariff war" just as European officials are trying to increase self-sufficiency whilst retaining entry to the Chinese market, according to Bloomberg. 

Politico reported on November 10 that the first EU-China summit in four years has been tentatively scheduled for December 7-8. An anonymous EU official stated this while Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market of the EU, visited China to prepare for the meeting. Apart from the connections with France, the summit is eagerly anticipated by many.

Both sides are working towards these dates, which still need to be formally announced according to the official. Another anonymous senior EU diplomat stated that the dates for the gathering hosted by China are not yet fully confirmed. 

Song Luzheng, a Chinese scholar residing in France and a research fellow at the China Institute of Fudan University, said to the Global Times on Tuesday that the present diplomatic activities and those forthcoming between China and the EU have been planned for a long time. However, the timing is intriguing because following the China-US summit in San Francisco, certain impediments and interruptions that previously affected the China-EU relations will be weakened. 
"The US is always the biggest obsticle to the development of China-EU relations, and since the Biden administration is now making efforts to manage the tension [with China], it would be an opportunity for the EU leaders to seek breakthroughs in the cooperation with China," Song noted. 

Gao Jian, an authority on European studies at Shanghai International Studies University, told the Global Times on Tuesday that "While China-EU relations have experienced fluctuations due to the impact of the US, they have consistently remained on track towards equality and mutual benefit. The resilience and dynamism of China-EU relations are robust, and we anticipate a steady growth in China-EU economic and trade relations, leading to closer links between the two markets."

Push for Cooperation:

During the call with Macron on Monday, Xi stated that China is prepared to sustain high-level exchanges with France, ensure the success of the next meeting of the China-France high-level dialogue mechanism on people-to-people exchanges, strive for further advancements in bilateral cooperation concerning education, culture, and scientific research, and foster cordial exchanges between the two nations.

Commending France's prominent involvement in the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and the sixth China International Import Expo, Xi expressed satisfaction towards the rising number of French products entering the Chinese market and warmly encouraged additional investment from French enterprises in China.

Macron reiterated the importance of France and China upholding strategic communication and cooperation amidst the current international climate. The French side is keen to utilise the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China next year as an occasion to enhance high-level exchanges with China. This includes deepening exchanges and cooperation in areas such as economy, trade and aviation, as well as people-to-people and cultural exchanges.
"Hopes are high that the growing exchanges between China and France, as well as with the EU, will enable both sides to resume negotiations of the CAI, which had been stymied by political hurdles. Given the fragile state of the global recovery, it is imperative for these two major economies to provide the world with more positive and encouraging updates," stated Song. 

Aside from bolstering economic and trade ties, China and its European counterparts are also expected to heighten their collaboration and coordination in addressing geopolitical hotspots, according to experts."

For many EU members, the crisis in Ukraine has had a direct impact on their economy and security. Additionally, the continuing conflict in Gaza may also lead to potential influx of refugees from the region, according to Song. "China is highly regarded by Middle Eastern countries, particularly Arab and Islamic nations, and is a responsible and influential major power. Consequently, the EU and France will need to seek China's cooperation in these areas."

Exchanging opinions about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the two state leaders emphasized the importance of preventing any further deterioration of the situation, particularly the emergence of a severe humanitarian crisis. They concurred that the two-state solution serves as the primary resolution to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts cycle, according to Xinhua.

Let us reject protectionism. 

Noting that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, Xi emphasised that China and the EU must sustain mutual cooperation amidst a volatile and interdependent world. He expressed hope that France will play a constructive role in promoting the positive development of China-EU relations.

France intends to collaborate closely with China at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai and continually cooperate to tackle worldwide issues like climate change and preserving biodiversity, according to the French president. Additionally, France is prepared to foster the further growth of the all-encompassing strategic partnership between the EU and China in a manner that advocates mutual respect, mutual advantage, and cooperation, he stated.
China's progress in the new energy sector is underpinned by adhering to the principles of the market economy and aided by China's long-term strategic vision as well as practical considerations faced during its development. As a result, China maintains a robust and dominant industrial advantage. This was stated by Gao. 

"This advantage does not result from government intervention or unequal competition and will not impact China-EU economic collaboration," said Gao in an interview with the Global Times. As a unified international organisation and economic entity, the EU must not violate basic principles and positions of free trade between China and Europe just because of individual requests or member state demands. 

Protectionism will have adverse effects on both globalization and China-EU free trade, and will not be advantageous for the industrial growth in specific fields for either party. As per expert opinion, it is imperative that both sides engage in exchanges and cooperation to conduct thorough research on technologies and develop products.