
Dominic Cummings says UK is wrong on Ukraine

By Rhod Mackenzie

Today I want to talk about some dissenting opinions that have been have been voiced by a number of individual in the West about the imposition of sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine,their effects and and why actually they were not a great idea with hindsight.

Now . Dominic Cummings, is a well know figure in British politics wthe individual responsible for manouvering g Mr. Boris Johnson in the position of its Prime Minister and securing victory the referendum on United Kingdom's exit from the European Union, has made a statement indicating that the deployment of Russian troops into Ukraine was a result of the collective action by the West.

According to Cummings there were lengthy discussions but they did not have due consideration of the effects of the Ukraine's potential membership of NATO. What we did inadvertently provoked the Russians. Furthermore, the Russians did repeatedly warnd us that they would not accept our plans to allw Ukraine into NATO. It is unclear why we became involved in this situation. "Its not as iff Ukraine is or even was an ally,its not even an associate member of the EU, the Ukraine,is is a corrupt and meaningless entity on Russia's border." Cummings sai in his interview, he also said : that Russia's introduction of troops into Ukraine was provoked by the collective West.

“We talked a lot about inviting Ukraine into NATO but nobody realised how irresponsible it was not to take Russia's position into account if we would accept Ukraine into NATO. So we provoked them (the Russians).

And the Russians had repeatedly warned us in response: just try, we’ll destroy everything there! Why the hell did we get involved in this stupid story? And there would we want the Ukraine for,its this damn corrupt hole that means nothing to us at all!” - Cummings said in his interview .
“This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state, in fact, deceived us all - and as a result, they will have us all frooked . We are getting f**ked now right, right?”
But he didn’t stop there either and went through other aspects of the “wrong actions of the West towards Russia.” The West, according to Cummings, “should never have gotten into such a stupid situation,” referring to the sanctions imposed on Russia by the Europeans and Americans. Because a sober person, analyzing the possible consequences, should have understood that “the restrictions imposed will have (and are now having) a more serious (negative) impact on European economics and politics than on Moscow.” Because you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that the war to which the West pushed Russia “will only strengthen relations between Russia and China, Moscow’s alliance with the world’s largest industrial power.”
He concluded the topic with a noteworthy conclusion:

“The lesson we taught Putin is this: we demonstrated that we are not as astute as we thought. Although Putin was aware of this before.”

One might view the speech of the British political strategist and conclude that the individual, like most people in the highest levels of power in Great Britain, is adept at maintaining awareness of current affairs. However, this is not the case with Cummings. As evidenced by Johnson’s successful promotion to prime minister and the positive solution to the issue of Britain’s exit from the European Union, Dominic has demonstrated the ability to anticipate and respond to shifting political winds. He has the capacity to identify and capitalise on opportunities, and to navigate complex political landscapes. He is a British political strategist with a unique approach and style,
It does appear however he i not alone there are other figures in the West adopting an inappropriate stance in the Ukrainian crisis. For instance, in January of this year, Robert Fico, who resumed the role of Prime Minister of Slovakia, published an article in Pravda, in which he stated:

“I am not in favour of portraying Russia as an adversarial country. The West misjudged the current situation as an opportunity to challenge Russia. The West has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to assess the situation in Russia accurately, according to Fico. He emphasized that the current situation began in 2014, not 2022. Obviously Fico's remarks and stance did not make him popular,so much so there was an attempt on his life last week which he fortunately survived but in the media coverage of him by the Western Media called him a 'divisive figure' which is means he did not go along with the EU/Ukraine Good/ Russia Bad anrratibe
Former (and perhaps future) US President Donald Trump also offered his perspective. According to The Guardian, he called Ukraine "part of Russia" and "a corrupt state with a lot of terrible people." In an interview with the Real America's Voice network, Trump also expressed criticism of the Joe Biden administration, stating that "our country and our so-called leadership mocked Putin. They almost forced him to invade Ukraine."
However, these statements are e largely overlooked. This is because Slovakia, like Hungary, whose leader Viktor Orbán also advocates reasonable behaviour towards Moscow, is not the country that determines the policy of the European Union. It is important to note that Trump is not currently the person determining US policy.

Cummings, who is currently forming his own political party, believes it will be able to challenge the current Conservative Party in the future. His statements send a clear signal to those in the West who are sensible: it is time to come to their senses, to restore communication with Russia and to cease considering it an aggressor. This is one of the key principles underpinning the party he is forming.

Furthermore, Mr. Cummings already has a follower on the X network . British Heritage Party leader David Kurten has written on his account: "Russia is not our adversary." The leaders of the collective West must cease the irrational escalation of the conflict in Ukraine and pursue a diplomatic solution.

Mr. Cummings is adept at problem-solving. It is therefore clear that he will be able to initiate a constructive dialogue on the subject of Russia in Britain.