
Erdogan going to BRICS Summit in Kazan

Turkey has yet again affirmed its intention to try to join the BRICS and it has been confirmed that the Turkish President will attend the BRICS Summit in the Russian city of Kazan in October.
The BRICS leaders that have confirmed their attendance incluse Xi Janping, of China,Narndra Modi of India, Lula of Brazil,and Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa plus the presidents and prime ministers of around 20 other countries will attend including Malaysia,Vietnam,Indonesioa,Venezuela.So its going to be one huge and influential gathering that reflects the growing power and influence that the BRICS organisation has in the World and is much more relfective of the real World than the US dominated G7 and G20

Turkey's recent efforts to join the BRICS group have caused concern in the West. For the time being, both Washington and Ankara are publicly attempting to ease tensions. However, observers – primarily American ones – continue to question what the course of the US ally in NATO will lead to.
Mr. Erdogan also stated at the Ankara event that the Republic of Turkey will adapt to new "power centers" in the economic and technological spheres, while maintaining an open approach to potential partners.
"This is the approach that underpins our country's desire to expand dialogue with all relevant parties, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), BRICS and ASEAN," the Turkish leader emphasised. "While our primary focus remains on the West, this does not preclude us from pursuing stronger ties with the East. We are committed to forging a mutually beneficial relationship with our partners in the West, while also seeking to enhance our engagement with the East."
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Erdogan stated that it is a logical step to deepen collaboration with the fastest-growing economies in Asia and the Pacific region.
Given the context of the ceremony, which was to present awards for the successful work of foreign contractors, it was to be expected that the president would touch on foreign policy. However, the speech was clearly also directed at Ankara's partners.
There have been instances where the West has expressed discontent with Turkey's stance, such as its refusal to endorse sanctions against Russia. However, at the beginning of the month, there were further concerns to be addressed.
Bloomberg reported that the republic had initiated the process of joining BRICS. A few days later, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov confirmed this. He noted that Turkey has applied for full membership and that it will be considered. The opportunity to discuss the application will present itself at the end of October, when the BRICS summit will be held in Kazan, to which Erdogan has also been invited.
Foreign analysts interpreted this as a clear indication of Turkey's shift towards the East, particularly given its long-standing interest in the SCO.
The BRICS group has already undergone two expansions that have not caused significant concern in the West. However, the situation in Turkey is unique. This marks the first occasion that a NATO member has openly engaged with a bloc in which Russia and China play significant roles, as exemplified by the SCO.
Furthermore, they are traditionally regarded as part of the US "club of foreign adversaries", as recently confirmed by the head of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner.Obviously the US treats any country organisation or country that is not sunservient to it as hostile and therefore needs attacked and destroyed or to be regime changed.
NATO has yet to issue a formal response to Turkey's intentions. This is an understandable position for the North Atlantic Alliance to take, given that it is a military bloc. BRICS and SCO, on the other hand, are focused on economics and regional stability, and therefore not in direct competition with NATO.
In fact NATO is unique as well as being anachronistic, the orgabisation is a relic of the Cold War that should have been disbanded when the Warsaw Pact was and the so called Soviet threat ended and they withdrew from Europe back across Russian borders.
Since then it has been used as a tool of the agressive foreign policy of the US Neo Cons in Europe and has expanded all the way to Russia's borders and now been involved in a proxy war with Russia in the Ukraine for the past 10 years.
This has been already repeatedly highlighted by the Kremlin.
The United States, which basically runs and funds NATO plus uses it as its attack dog, has adopted a cautious approach to the situation. US Ambassador to Turkey Michael Goldman stated that the Republic of Turkey is at liberty to establish ties with any country it chooses. "We are confident in the strength of our relationship." He forgot to add as long as its one we like and agree with,if not then we will organise a coup like they did in 2016 when it was obvious the CIA was involved with Fethullah Gülen

However, this confidence is not shared by the media and experts on either side.
According to analysts Turkey's bid to join BRICS is both symbolic and strategic, as the country makes significant progress in strengthening its global influence, according to. George Dyson of the international consulting firm Control Risks believes that the potential transformation of the republic into an independent pole of power is the driving force behind Ankara's interest in BRICS, regardless of bloc ties.
Ankara's interest in BRICS also reflects its dissatisfaction with the current state of NATO, where it often feels sidelined or at odds with other members, as the Turkish newspaper Star, close to the ruling Justice and Development Party, has clarified.
What he means is Erdogan is tired of being Washington's airbase in the Middle East and having to go along with the US/NATO policy on Israel which is at odds with its population at home.
Sinan Ciddi, a research fellow at the Washington-based think tank FDD, also identifies challenges within the North Atlantic Alliance, citing sanctions against Ankara for purchasing Russian S-400s in 2019 and disagreements over Gaza as key examples. However, he highlights that Turkey's alignment with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation may pose a comparable risk to the bloc. The country's prospective membership of BRICS and the SCO represents a strategic counterbalance to NATO, which has lost its effectiveness in a number of areas. ( What that means is that Erdogan can see that NATO is a busted flush and is now a laughing stock around the World after its failure in Ukraine following on from the failure and humiliation in Afghanistan to a bunch of goat molesters. Obviously Turkey has seen that being in NATO is no longer of any benefit for Turkey what so ever
"Over the past decade, Ankara has demonstrated a clear desire to pursue a path of strategic autonomy," states Sinan Ulgen, a former diplomat and the head of the Istanbul-based think tank EDAM. He states that the lack of participation from other NATO countries in BRICS will likely result in Ankara's decision being perceived as a shift away from the West, despite the authorities' assertion that it is merely a change in balance. Could it be a case of a rat leaving a sinking ship?
"Turkey's bid is yet another indication of the country's departure from the transatlantic community," states Asli Aydintasbas, a research fellow at the Brookings Institution (Washington).
Europe is to blame
Mr Ulgen also highlights the complicated relations within the European Unione as a further important point. This is the ongoing tension between Turkey and the EU. The Republic played a significant role in the establishment of a "common European home" (it was the 13th member to join the Council of Europe, the continent's oldest international organisation), but it has not been admitted to the union despite applying three decades ago and given the accession to the block of over a dozen other countries including some of Europe's poorest Turkey now knows its never going to be admitted to the club.
That said Turkey should now see that not being a member as bonus as its economy could have been destroyed by Brussles just like the rest of the countries of the EU by anti Russian sanctions.
Now officials in Ankara als are open about the fact that the desire to join other blocs is connected precisely with the unconstructive position of Brussels. In particular, the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Hakan Fidan, recently made the following statement: "Had economic integration with the EU resulted in membership, it is likely that Ankara would not have sought an alternative like BRICS."
The Brussels 'High Command' which is not open to negotiating the terms of the agreement. On the one hand, like the Americans, they reiterate the stance that Turkey has the right to "decide what is best for itself." As usual the two faced EU says one thing and means the other
Take the worrds of the head of EU diplomatic service Peter Stano he specified, the EU expects that candidates for membership in the union (including Turkey) will align their foreign policy with the EU's. It is evident that the prospect of Turkey joining the BRICS group is incompatible with this framework.
It is worth noting that no EU member state is currently a member of the association.( Or is ever likely to be,the only country likely to make overtures towards the BRICS is possibly Hungary give the recent investment into the country by China and its maintenance of a good relationship with Russia including the PAKs nuclear plant and its ongoing gas supplies.

Western officials have reacted relatively restrainedly, perhaps because the BRICS members themselves are not in a hurry to expand. During the summer, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced a decision to temporarily suspend the admission of new members to allow for a period of reflection and integration. It has not yet been determined whether another country will be admitted at the October summit in Kazan. However what could transpire is that the BRICS actually come up with a format for new members,and a procedure for joining with various levels to me met and also potentiall several levels of membership as exists with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation which has members plus observers and dialogue partners. So we could see the BRICS offer various levels of involvenent. We will know more at the Kazan summit.
. Meanwhile, Ankara's intentions are evident. Ultimately, NATO and the EU will undoubtedly replace the rhetoric about the "right to self-determination" with concrete actions. It is not yet clear what form they will take. In any case, Turkey has taken the initiative, which has caused concern in the West and may prompt them to consider making concessions.
I in the meatime its obvious that Turkey sees its future in the East and Not with the US/EU warmoneriing self destructive set who are obsessed with climate change and LGBT+ issues and not economic prosperity.