Gazprom Helium Service delivers LNG to China via cross-border bridge for the first time

By Rhod Mackenzie

For the first time, Gazprom Helium Service LLC has transported a batch of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to China via the Blagoveshchensk (RF) - Heihe (PRC) international road bridge, the company said.

Commercial LNG was produced at a small-tonnage natural gas liquefaction plant at Gazprom's helium hub in Primorsky Krai.

The seller under the export contract with the Chinese partner was OOO Gazprom Export.

The cargo was delivered by Gazprom Helium Service in its own container on an LNG-powered mainline tractor.

The LNG batch was delivered to the Chinese province of Heilongjiang and will be used in the municipal sector and as a natural gas motor fuel.

Gazprom Helium Service has formed the largest LNG-powered trucking company in Russia for the transportation of liquefied gases. The LNG infrastructure we have created in the Far East makes it possible to provide integrated logistics for the export deliveries of marketable products within the framework of Gazprom's projects," Lyubov Brish, Director General of Gazprom Helium Service LLC, is quoted in the message.

Gazprom Helium Service is the operating company of PJSC Gazprom for the implementation of investment projects using cryogenic technologies.

In the Far Eastern Federal District, the company is implementing projects for the construction of small-scale LNG plants in the Nadezhdinskaya (Primorsky Territory) and Amurskaya (Amur Region) advanced development territories (TOPs).

Gazprom Helium Service has formed a car company that uses domestic LNG-powered trunk transport to transport liquefied gases, ensures the production of LNG for refueling equipment, and owns its own refueling complexes along the route of LNG tractors in the Far Eastern Federal District. The company operates in the status of an international road carrier.

In 2022, Gazprom Helium Service took part in the opening of traffic on the cross-border bridge between Russia and China. LNG tractors of the company's vehicle fleet transported cargo containers to China.