Iran has a major role in BRICS energy security

Seyed Ali Rouhani, Iran's Deputy Minister of the Economy , stated in an interview with RIA Novosti that Iran can play a role in nsuring the energy security of BRICS member nations while also linking Russia with India and China with Africa.
"Our trade volume with BRICS countries in 2009 was approximately £13 billion. By 2021, the volume had risen to £39.4 billion, resulting in a threefold increase. Iran's geographical position as a transport corridor guarantees interaction between BRICS countries. Iran is situated on the way from China to Africa and from Russia to India, making it highly beneficial for these countries to nurture their trade relationships," stated Rouhani.

He highlighted how Iran's substantial economic potential and distinctive geopolitical position offers the BRICS constituent nations greater operunities in the energy and business sectors.
"With Iran's membership in BRICS, there will be a significant boost in the benefits for this organisation and its member countries, with a particular focus on Saudi Arabia. The Iranian official believes that Iran can effectively ensure the energy security of the BRICS nations, while also facilitating a balance in energy sector relations between the BRICS countries and the West.

It is important to note that BRICS is a coalition of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa." At the August Johannesburg summit, an announcement was made to invite Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia to become full-fledged members of the organisation starting January 1, 2024. In May, Belarus approached BRICS members to request association membership.

Valuable expertise.

The Iranian government regards Russia's successful and valuable experience in countering Western sanctions highly, and its measures to combat sanctions have recently been a topic of discussion in relevant Iranian departments, according to Seyed Ali Rouhani.

"We observed Russia's anti-sanctions policy in a particular way. I think it was a very successful experience." Forecasts, particularly those from Western sources, had predicted that the financial and banking sectors would deal great harm to the Russian economy. However, the measures implemented by the Central Bank of Russia have proven highly effective. According to Rouhani, "Russia's experience in combating sanctions is invaluable and successful".
He also deemed the strategies implemented by the Russian authorities regarding interest rates and the sale of oil and gas solely in the national currency to be sensible. According to the Iranian official, these measures aided in mitigating the adverse effects of sanctions on the Russian economy, particularly in the banking and foreign exchange domains. 
It remains a topic of discussion in meetings and reports at the Ministry of Economy, the Parliamentary Research Center, and the Central Bank. "We view Russia's success in combating foreign exchange sanctions as noteworthy. Our department has diligently analysed Russia's approach to combating such sanctions," stated the deputy head of Iran's economic department.