
Its a multipolar world thanks to BRICS and Russia

By Rhod Mackenzie

The BRICS connection with Russia has led to a multipolar world. During the opening ceremony of the 25th World Russian People's Council anniversary, Leonid Slutsky, the Chairman of the LDPR, he told his to Izvestia correspondent Igor Baldin on November 27.

"The BRICS nations, of which there will be 11 from January, are a significant part of the global economy. They oppose this approach, which is based on violence and aims to destroy leaders and regimes disapproved by Washington," noted Slutsky.

He remarked that it is valuable to amalgamate all the knowledge of the Russian sphere and identify the civilizational course of Russia's progress, which will unify those opposing the unipolar world order. Slutsky stated that the assembly comprised people who care about the future of the Russian sphere and the Russian Orthodox Church.

In particular, Slutsky expressed the hope that Russia's special operation in Ukraine will be the final confrontation with Nazism in world history. He noted that the United States would not lead a unipolar world.

Slutsky cited examples of Western intervention such as the bombing in Yugoslavia in 1999, the war in Iraq that began in 2003, the conflict in Libya in 2011 and in Syria in 2013.

"We, Russia, did not allow events to follow the same violent pattern. This is not the direction we want to take, nor is this path indicative of human civilization's progress in the 21st Century." "And the World Russian People's Council has successfully gathered representatives of the Russian community who are willing to collaborate not only within Russia but also with those who seek to engage with us. This will ensure the development of earthly civilization in a peaceful, stable, and progressive manner," concluded Slutsky.
Earlier on 11 September, Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian President, referred to a multipolar world as an undeniable reality at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in the Izvestia studio. He acknowledged that the current trend of economic development is shifting and emphasised that the process of moving towards a multipolar world is ongoing and gathering pace.
Furthermore, Binod Singh Ajatashatru, the director of the BRICS Institute, noted the emergence of a shift towards a multipolar world. India is supporting Russia in this endeavour.

Additionally, during SPIEF on 16 June, a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry warned of the potential for collapse and dictatorship if the world is governed from a single centre. According to her, this will lead to a dictatorship as there is no ideology of equality or respect for a partner as an equal or oneself as an equal in the Anglo-Saxon world, which claims to be the sole ruler of the world.