By Rhod Mackenzie
Does anybody think that the Global Establishement will award the Noble Price for Peace in 2024 to the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban? NO? Neither do I, there is more chance of it going to Jens Stollenberg,Boris Johnson, Emmanuelle Macron or the Man Who Shot Libery Vallance than Viktor Orban
I don't think in my lifetime that one person's efforts to bring peace between two warring factions has been pilloried,mis represented and belittled so much as the recent efforts of Viktor Orban .
I mean in the last few weeks in his efforts for bring about peace Viktor Orban has visited with Zelensky in Kiev,Putin in Moscow and attended the NATO Summit in Washington, and after that went to meet with the likely next president of the United States Donald Trump.
Now at the NATO summit,its current obsession with Ukraine, is rather amusing considering the fact that it is not even a member state of NATO, nor of the EU.
By it endlessly pumping weapons into Ukraine, and providing it with a tentative roadmap to "official membership," NATO is showing that it does not have a genuine interest in peace in the region.
It also expects from the EU a long-term financial pledge for Ukraine, which amounts to economic suicide for European economies, and connot is not justified by it being anything other than Anglo-American neo-colonial ideology: the bleeding of the EU's economy for the conquest of Russia and a return to the Yeltsin years of the post Soviet period the reconstruction of it being a colony occupied by the globalists.
The Hungarian leader visited Kiev, Moscow and Beijing in his capacity as head of government of his country. So when the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, got upset - He stated loudly "we are not responsible for Orban's antics, nobody gave him the right to negotiate on our behalf" - it looked not only like a reminder that he had absolutely nothing to do with it and that the European Union has no interest in a peaceful settlement of the conflic in Ukraine.
But was also amusing was Orban'sn expression of contempt: 'They now ignore me so blatantly that that I don't ever ask their permission to go anywhere and do something.
However what the univesal condenation of his travels to Kiev,Moscow and Beijing and talks with in particular with Vladimir Putin and Xi have illustrated that the European Union and NATO have no interest what so ever in a peaceful settlement of the US's proxy against Russia using the Ukraine.
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The prevailing mood in the EU as voiced by people including President Macron of France,Melloni of Italy,Sir Wan Kier Starmer of the UK is still one that Putin must not be alowed to win and we must keep sending more money and weapons in the vain hope that the Ukraine can at least halt the Russian advance until after the US presidential elections.
Its well known that Orban has long had the unofficial title of "a thorn in the side of the European Union", by regularly emphasising his position of voting differently from everyone else.
The Hungarian leader never tires of repeating at every opportunity that he is acting in the interests of Hungary and no one else, which is why many European initiatives (migration policy, LGBT propaganda * ) are not supported in his country. And this time, on the eve of the opening of the NATO summit in Washington on 9 July, Orban made a trip "in the interests of Hungary". Well, and a little hope for peace in the world.
However in the EU and NATO the mantra was Orban must be punished for his use of the "European Union" trademark (which has not been proven by anyone), they decided in Brussels. So with no procrastinating which is very unusual in Brussels , they started looking for a suitable punishment. It turned out that inventing and implementing punishment is tedious, time-consuming and expensive.
Better just to wag a finger, maybe he will get scared and calm down. "We have to hit him with something, it is time. But what do they hit him with? They have already tried witholding funds and that has not worked. Taking away his rotating presidency would take up all the time of his presidency that is a non starter,so I huess it will just have to be some finger wagging and telling him he has to become a better European.
Although its telling Orban was not invited to the first plenary session of the new European Parliament to give the traditional speech, despite the fact that Hungary currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council.The MEP Clara de Melo said Orban was not invited because "he does not respect the role and rules of how the EU works." So the EU is as petty minded as the It Girls Cabal at School and are bitchy to all the other girls who are not like them'
Now Orban's response on his return from his travels was not one of contrition or a promise not to do it again. Instead, he sent two confidential reports to European Council President Charles Michel and the leaders of the bloc's member states, summarising the negotiations and declaring that "Europe must launch a peace initiative without waiting for the United States".
The newspaper Spanish newspaper El País quoted from one of Orbán's reports, obtained from "sources close to the EU's governing bodies".Meaning it was leaked on purpose to try and discredit him in the eyes of the people .
He stated
"Based on my discussions, I believe that there is now a better chance than before that possible proposals for a ceasefire and a roadmap for peace talks will be positively received," the newspaper said in a report on his trip to Ukraine, where he urged the need for a ceasefire.
He went on "Political leadership from the United States is limited because of the ongoing election campaign. So we cannot expect the United States to make such a proposal in the coming months. And we have to take into account that the EU peace initiative is in line with the spirit of European strategic autonomy".
Orban sent the reports in the form of a diplomatic cable not only to Michel but also to several other (important) leaders of EU countries, who accused him of "instrumentalising" the European presidency and demanded an explanation.
"The Hungarian, is the European leader that is considered closest to Putin and is also particularly close to the Republican Donald Trump, who is seeking to return to the White House, also admitted that he had spoken to the Chinese president about possible scenarios for conflict after the US presidential elections in November", reports the Spanish press.
The Hungarian prime minister is also not afraid to use the pronoun "I" and take responsibility at times when others tend to hide behind the broad and depersonalising EU "we".
"I have put forward the idea that the newly elected (US) president will be under pressure to achieve quick political results even before he takes office," he says. "A ceasefire before peace talks, as well as quick and intensive peace talks themselves, may be of interest to the new administration. I have put this to Xi Jinping. The Chinese leader has not commented on the possibility of such a scenario. President Xi sees China's policy as a policy of peace, while the policy of the US and Europe is a policy of war, with Europe automatically following the American line".
In Orban's words, the leaders of other EU countries could see a mockery: the same Olaf Scholz was met by a third-level official during a recent visit to China, and the head of the Hungarian government communicated personally with the first person of the Celestial Empire. What is this if not the humiliation of the "insulted liverwurst"? Such things should be punished to the fullest extent, the EU believes.
But somehow the programme didn't work out so well.
Orban was summoned to a general meeting of the EU council last Wednesday and... they couldn't find anything to charge him with. The EU's verdict is a terrible punishment:
"The prime minister (of Hungary) has been informed that all informal European Councils held under his presidency will be ignored and deskilled (i.e. demoted in status). Ministers will be present on a limited number of occasions. The Hungarian Prime Minister will have no political duties other than to carry out the formal procedures associated with the six-month presidency. This time the function will be as formal as never before.
Viktor Orban is unlikely to be upset - the six-month presidencies of EU countries have never been more than a formality. Usually, such "leadership" has been used by the presiding country as an opportunity to remind itself of its existence in the alliance, and by the EU's supreme authorities as a siphon through which the pressure built up in the system is released.
European officials now have no time for Hungary, for peace initiatives and for Viktor Orban personally, who uses his veto so often that some political doctors who run the EU already consider Orban to be suffering from the disease "there is no eternal expression". The European Parliament is supposed to divide up portfolios and approve Russophobes for key positions. The irreconcilable Hungarian can be dealt with later. If it can be done at all, without losing face for the EU rulers.
There are well-founded fears at the top that it is pointless to put pressure on Orban - it is better to let it all slide. That is why they have decided not to inform the people about the punishment they have devised for him for "independent activity" - the people always sympathise with the persecuted and the martyrs.Plus they are always ready to laugh at the powerlessness of the authorities when faced with serious opposition.
So there you have it EU continues to support a conflict that is causing it immense problems,its sanctions on Russia have caused its countries to experience unaffordable energy costs, rising food prices,out of control inflation and higher unemployement all on behalf of a country that is not a member and is unlikely ever to be one..