Nobody celebrates the EU's 31st Birthday

By Rhod Mackenzie

This week something strange happened. On November 1st on the calendar - was the official 31st birthday of the European Union which was created based on the 1992 Maastricht Treaty. One would have expected flags to be flying, fireworks to be lighting up the sky, and von der Leyen to be speaking, with the members of the European Parliament with them bowing in respect to her.  What's more, not a single European media outlet has mentioned November 1 as the birthday of the European Union's creation. Zero. Not One!.

Perhaps it is because in places like the USA,China and Russia, they tend to celebrate all sorts of occasions, and an additional day off is not an issue. It strikes me as peculiar that the thirty-first anniversary of the United States of Europe was not acknowledged in any manner.   There has been no mention, no images, and no news coverage. Or could it be that the thirty-first year of this colossal entity's existence has revealed how many of the unforeseen issues within this concept can cause it to crumble from within?

However, the grand ideas that can drastically improve the lives of millions in various nations often fail to develop as the plans intended. Similarly, we can view the concept of socialism, or at least communism, and express regretfully, "But it sounded like a good idea!"  Additionally, when faced with sudden situations, such as the Spanish Inquisition, one might comment favourably on Christianity as an excellent concept capable of transforming the lives of billions of individuals worldwide.
As always, the vision of a united Europe has both obvious and hidden meanings. There is a visible side, but there is also a concealed side that may not be clear to the average EU citizen. The primary benefit of the EU concept was the removal of borders within the union, resulting in the common market. That allowed for the unrestricted movement of people, labour, capital, and services without the need for passport checks at the borders of member countries. That is, the life of an average European has become so much more convenient with no need to present their passport or undergo suitcase inspections within the Schengen area every 100-600 kilometers.  Additionally, the creation of a single European currency was deemed unequivocally beneficial. True, the celebratory atmosphere stemming from the elimination of the need to exchange stamps for francs or pesetas to purchase cheaper cigarettes across borders has been put to the test. It was observed that in each country that integrated the euro currency in 1999, prices for all goods and services increased automatically during the transition.If the day before, you paid 10 hypothetical future euros in Italian lira for a Tuscan steak in Florence, the next day it had already risen to 15 euros in the newly adopted European currency. Today, it is commonly priced at 30 euros. This does not appear to be a sign of a sound economy.
If the single currency was convenient for citizens in some places, then the states had to be strongly committed to the change - for example, Germany, which was strong, and its currency the Deutschmark was very strong. Thus the single currency and the creation of the European Central Bank essentially meant that individual states put monetary policy issues in the hands of European bureaucrats and which have caused many problems which is why some members refused to join the singe currency - citing inflation and no way to counter it, for example. That is why the most stubborn countries, worried about their monetary sovereignty, stayed with their own currency - Sweden, Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania.( Before Brexit the UK)

In fact, the proponents of "soft Euroscepticism" are movements and parties that are primarily in favour of abandoning the single currency, while at the same time opposing the policy of rampant, uncontrolled immigration (especially from the Global South). Hardcore Eurosceptics in those countries generally advocate leaving the EU, following the example of the United Kingdom (Brexit), or reforming the Union, which they see as a failure in its current form.

This gives the ruling elites a reason to accuse such parties of nationalism, right-wing extremism and whatever else they can to smear them. But the truth is that while the Globalist controlled media are screaming about "right-wing populists", these governments, mostly composed of left-wingers and "greens", are pumping their countries full of migrants, mainly from Muslim countries, in front of their astonished public, and do not even want to explain themselves to their voters. This looks like a deliberate destruction of Europe and its historical values. But history is a funny thing, and immediately after the Hamas attack on Israel, it turned out that it was the "new Europeans" who disagreed with the governments of Europe, but were completely on the side of Palestine, like the local leftists and greens. The left-greens now urgently need to change their shoes in flight, because during the current conflict the corrupt European elites have nevertheless come to a general substitution of concepts, and now if you do not agree not only with Israel's policies, but simply with the decisions of the Israeli generals, you are labelled "anti-Semite" - something they managed to avoid before. For a European politician that is death.
So now the former best friends of Palestine and the Arabs in general - are the parties of the left and the extreme left, as well as the "Greens" - they are massively betraying their convictions, although they already betrayed their well-publicised "pacifism" with the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict. And the prophet does not order millions upon millions of migrants in the middle of Europe to defect to the side of Israel. And this is a time bomb for the whole European Union.

But so far the forces of the Left, with the full support of the mainstream media, have crushed the countries of the entire EU with their agenda - climate hysteria, bans on coal-fired power stations, new taxes on fossil fuels, imminent car bans, which always include LGBT+ issues, sex-change operations for children, etc. Schwabian nonsense - a deep state has formed within the EU superstate, a deep state that acts without any regard to the powerless European Parliament: it puts its people in key positions and pushes through the agenda they want. The rise of the former German defence minister, who is also a famous gynaecologist in Europe, Ursula von der Leyen, who has never worked a day in her actual profession, also outside any democratic procedure, under pressure from Macron personally, has marked the transformation of the European Union into a semblance of an empire with its own empress.
This Madame answers to no one. Not even when it comes to the billions spent on Pfizer's vaccines under opaque contracts. With the start of the Ukrainian campaign, Mrs von der Leyen has pushed enomous amounts of cash for "aid to Ukraine" plus weapons under her personal control. Currently everything is happening in the same way - under the cover of a fog of clouding any actual information. Now there is a fuss about payments from the EU to Palestine - in the wake of hysteria they first blocked the flow of money, but now they have thought about it and decided to continue to send it. So what? It's none of your business, European gentlemen. In the course of thirty years, the European Union has also become a junior subservient to the world policeman of the United States, acting only under the command of the United States. The European Commission punishes dissenting member countries, fines them and interferes in their internal politics.

This European ship may simply not survive a few more storms like those of the past three years. The idea of Brexit, or simply Exit, is becoming increasingly clear among many member states. As a result, new countries are preparing to take their place many that previously would not have been able to join the EU.