Russian budget over first seven months, non-oil and gas budget revenues increased by about 20%

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian economy has adapted to the current challenges and has shown fairly stable growth based on domestic demand. GDP in the second quarter grew by 4.6%, industrial production in June increased by 13% yoy, and non-oil and gas revenues showed an increase of 20% in seven months, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at a meeting on economic development.

“According to the results of the first half of the year, we reached positive values ​​for all key indicators. Thus, the gross domestic product, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, increased by 1.5%, and in the II quarter of this year - already by 4.6%. The dynamics in industrial production was even more active. According to the results of the first half of the year, it added about 2.5%. Here, you know, the main contribution was made by manufacturing industries, where growth exceeded 6%. If we take June separately, then this figure reached 13% in annual terms, ”the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers Mishustin quotes.

He also noted that the positive dynamics in the economy is already affecting the budget. In January-July, non-oil and gas revenues grew by 20%, and in July - by more than a third. Oil and gas revenues in July were almost 5% higher than last year, exceeding the figure approved by the budget rule by 73 billion rubles.