
Putin made an offer to the West that it wants but cannot accept

By Rhod Mackenzie

Last week the Russian President make a statement where he outlined his proposals for a peace deal in the Ukraine and the start of negotiations,I even dida video about it and the response to it by the magazine the American Conservative which felt there was merit in the proposals.
However lets look at how the Washington,the subservient West and the Kyiv puppet have responded to Putin’s proposals on the terms of a ceasefire and the start of negotiations on resolving the conflict by issuing an ultimatum, a proposal to capitulate, and continuing their aggressive stance.

The US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has stated that Putin is not in a position to dictate to Ukraine what it should do to achieve peace.The NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg has suggested that Russia withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory, but President Zelensky has simply compared Putin to Hitler. The proposal was rejected and ridiculed. It is unclear why it was made.

However Putin was counting on this response and result. He was not appealing to them but his message was to the entire non-Western world, not just the West and Kyiv.
The Atlanticists are trying to convince the world that Russia is a terrible aggressor. They are trying to make it seem as if Russia will not stop at Ukraine and has intentions to recreate the Soviet Union and then take over the whole of Europe. They are attempting to portray Russia a threat to the whole world with expansionist ambitions.
President Putin has stated that he is prepared to cease hostilities immediately, and has outlined specific conditions that he believes are fair and reasonable. Its not as if he wants to annexn of the entire country of Ukraine, but rather wants a negotiated unconditional surrender. He has invited the other parties to accept these conditions and engage in direct negotiations.

The paradox is that the conditions proposed by Putin are of more y benefit to the West and are disadvantageous to Russia, yet the West is unable to accept them. There has been no discussion of Kyiv and Zelensky, but that is understandable.Everybody is aware that the decision-making power lies with the United States and they pull Elensky's puppet strings.
They have long come to the conclusion that their plan for Ukraine (inclusion in NATO) and Russia (return to the situation on 23 February 2022) is unattainable. American leaders may espouse a range of views publicly, but in reality, their focus is on who will be the next US President after the election who will take office in January.
Therefore, maintaining the status quo, even at the cost of withdrawing the Ukrainian Armed Forces from territories already included in Russia, would be a highly beneficial outcome for the West, even if it meant accepting guarantees that Ukraine would not be included in NATO. Russia has presented a viable option for consideration. Given the circumstances, it would have been prudent for the West to seize the opportunity and initiate negotiations with Kyiv. Given that Putin's next proposal (and the first two were in November-December 2021 and March-April 2022) will undoubtedly be less favourable than the current one, and the dynamics of military operations leave no chance for Ukraine to recapture lost territories, but increase the likelihood of losing new ones, it is clear that the West should seize the opportunity.
One might ask why the West did not seize the opportunity. Throughout the course of the conflict, the US in particular but it has also been voiced by Macron consistently that it is untenable to entertain the notion that Putin be allowed . The US has also emphasised that the consequences for Russia should be both visible and serve as a deterrent to other potential authoritarian regimes. Furthermore, the US has pronounced that Ukraine's defeat would be a significant setback for the global order and the West's standing in the world. In other words, the West has equated the defeat of Ukraine with its own, and presented the need for victory over Russia as a condition for maintaining its global dominance.

However, this previous dominance has now been superseded. It is notable that Putin’s proposals were only part of a wider speech at the Foreign Ministry, in which he set out the case for a system of Eurasian collective security. The primary objective is the removal of non-Eurasian military forces from Eurasia, which would entail the withdrawal of American troops from Europe and Asia, that includes Germany, Japan and Sothe Korea all three having been occupied for over 70 years.
President Putin is putting forward a long-term strategy and is aware of the evolving dynamics of global developments. The Atlantists (that is, the Anglo-Saxons, together with part of the European elites oriented towards them) currently represent the dominant force in the global landscape. However, their claims to hegemony and global dominance are no longer tenable.
This is a widely recognized phenomenon, not only in the Global South but also in many Western countries.
The West may still attempt to isolate and block Russia, or even engage in conflict with it on our own territory. However, such actions will ultimately result in the destruction of the very basis of its own power, namely the world trade and financial system.
Without it, the Anglo-Saxons will only have the American fleet, which is military power. However, as you are aware, you will not be able to survive for long on bayonets alone. The United States will be compelled to withdraw from Europe and Asia. The key question is whether the withdrawal will be orderly, or whether it will be a chaotic consequence of the internal crisis in the United States.
It is evident that we are discussing a process that could span several decades, but could also accelerate significantly as a result of misguided military actions by the outgoing hegemon (for instance, Taiwan).
The situation in Ukraine is a clear indication of this. Atlanticists have invested in a position that they are unable to hold on to, and which is not aligned with their own interests. The pursuit of this position has been driven by a desire to delay the process of the dismantling their own hegemony. In essence, they must focus on consolidating their existing assets rather than pursuing new ones. However, the momentum of Anglo-Saxon globalization is such that any attempt to slow it down will result in immediate and severe consequences.
It is now necessary to inform that that a cliff top is ahead. It is preferable to attempt to slow down, even at the risk of injury, rather than to be certain of death when falling into the approaching abyss. It is also hoped that the instinct of self-preservation of the Anglo-Saxon elites will still prove effective.
This is precisely the warning issued by Vladimir Putin last week.
"The current extremely dangerous state of affairs can ultimately be attributed to the selfishness and arrogance of Western states.
We have reached a point that is no longer viable.
The calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which has the largest arsenals of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the prohibitive adventurism of Western politicians. "They are either unaware of the extent of the threat they are creating, or are fixated on the notion of their own immunity and exclusivity."