Putin noted that the authority and influence of the SCO continue to strengthen

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at the online summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Putin welcomed Iran's joining the Organisation. “In less than two years, the Iranian partners completed all the necessary procedures, and now our common task is to help our colleagues effectively integrate into the multifaceted work being carried out within the SCO,” the head of state stressed.

He also noted that Russia stands for the speedy completion of the process of entry into the SCO of Belarus. “We are convinced that the membership of Belarus, which is a strategic partner and closest ally of Russia, will have a positive impact on the activities of the association,” the Russian president said.

According to the Russian leader, the authority and influence of the SCO continues to grow stronger.

Vladimir Putin expressed gratitude to the leaders of the SCO states for their support during the attempted armed rebellion in the Russian Federation. “The Russian people are consolidated as never before. The solidarity and high responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland was clearly demonstrated by Russian political circles and the whole of society by coming out as a united front against the attempted armed rebellion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues from the SCO countries who expressed support for the actions of the Russian leadership to protect the constitutional order, the life and security of citizens. We highly appreciate it,” the President said.

He also invited young people from the SCO countries to take part in the World Youth Festival, which will be held in Sochi next spring. “I want to draw your attention, dear friends, to the fact that from March 1 to 7, 2024, the World Youth Festival will be held in Sochi. This will be the largest international youth event that will bring together active, caring young people from all over the world,” Vladimir Putin said.

This article orginally appeared in Russian at expert.ru