
Putin outlines his ideas of the 'rules of the Global game' at Valdai Club

By Rhod Mackenzie

During the Valdai Discussion Club's 20th anniversary meeting, Vladimir Putin advocated for a civilizational approach to international relations, which can aid in the constructing of a fair world order. The Russian President presented six fundamental principles for creating the future world order. What are they?
On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended a plenary session of the Valdai international discussion club in Sochi, marking its twentieth anniversary.  In this respect, the head of state highlighted that the forum "reaffirms the elevated status of a coveted and cerebral platform." The President stated that the Valdai discussions consistently reflect the most crucial developments in 21st-century global politics, in all their intricacy and depth.

The President stated that the Valdai discussions consistently reflect on the most crucial developments in 21st-century global politics, in all their intricacy and depth. Additionally, the President remarked that Russia and the world have undergone significant, if not considerable, transformations over the years.

Putin noted his interest in the club's report on the aspiration to present a vision for the future. "This comes as no surprise and is readily comprehensible, particularly within an intellectual milieu. In a time of tumultuous upheaval, with the very foundations of our way of life being shaken to their core, it is of utmost importance that we grasp where we are headed and what we aim to accomplish. Most certainly, the future is being crafted at present, not only within our purview, but by our very own hands," Putin declared.

The vision for the global future articulated by the Russian leader encompasses six tenets.

Firstly, an open and interconnected world in which no artificial barriers are erected to communication, creativity, and prosperity. President Putin stated bluntly that this is contingent upon a barrier-free environment.

Secondly, Russia champions cultural and civilizational diversity as essential to universal development. In this regard, the president stated that it is unacceptable to impose one's ideas on any other country or people.

Furthermore, maximum representativeness is imperative as nobody has the right to govern the world on behalf of others. The world of the future is one that entails collective decision-making.

The head of state's fourth point is focused on universal security and lasting peace that respects the interests of all nations, both large and small. Additionally, the approach to international relations should not be based on blocs, a legacy of the Cold War and the colonial era, should be dismantled.

The fifth point advocates for justice for all, as everyone should have access to the benefits of modern development. Any attempts to limit access for any country or people should be considered an act of aggression.
During his speech, the President mentioned the Concept of Russian Foreign Policy, which characterizes the country as a unique state-civilization. "Our perspective of civilization is a complex concept that can be interpreted in various ways." "There was also a clear colonial interpretation: a certain 'civilized world' acted as a role model for others, and everyone had to adhere to their rules and standards. Those who refused were subjected to 'civilization' by the baton of an 'enlightened' master. These times have passed and our understanding of civilization is thoroughly revised," declared the president.
Putin argued that no civilization is superior or inferior to another, stating that "they have equal rights as representatives of their cultures, traditions, and peoples." He emphasised that "for me, these aspirations belong to our people, of which I am fortunate to be a part." Putin highlighted diversity and self-sufficiency as two key qualities of a state-civilization. He stated that unification is incompatible with the modern world; each state and society seeks to pursue its own path of development. "Russian civilization cannot be reduced to a single common denominator, nor can it be divided, as it only exists in its entirety, in its spiritual and cultural richness. Maintaining the strong unity of such a state is a challenging mission," the president remarked.

At the same time, Putin stressed that civilization cannot be universalized as one for all - such an occurrence is impossible. Therefore, "respect for ourselves arises from respecting others, but it also means that others respect us." Putin firmly believes that "if everyone follows this rule exactly, it will guarantee the harmonious coexistence and creative interaction of all participants in international relations." Putin's conviction holds true even amidst the Karabakh problem. Therefore, "respect for ourselves arises from respecting others, but it also means that others respect us." Putin firmly believes that "if everyone follows this rule exactly, it will guarantee the harmonious coexistence and creative interaction of all participants in international relations." Putin's conviction holds true even amidst the Karabakh problem. Therefore, "respect for ourselves arises from respecting others, but it also means that others respect us." Putin firmly believes that "if everyone follows this rule exactly,it will guarantee the harmonious coexistence and creative interaction of all participants in international relations." Putin's conviction holds true even amidst the Karabakh problem.

The discussion club event centred around "Fair multipolarity: how to guarantee security and progress for all." As customary, the session was led by Fyodor Lukyanov, Director of Scientific Work at the Valdai Foundation for Development and Support and the Editor-in-Chief of the "Russia in Global Affairs" magazine.

During the Q&A session, Putin addressed the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory where Azerbaijan has established its constitutional authority, while the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) has declared its dissolution. The President reiterated that Russia has previously suggested a compromise to its Armenian counterparts. "How?

By restoring the five regions to Azerbaijan so as to maintain the territorial link between Armenia and Azerbaijan." But every time our associates in Nagorno-Karabakh expressed their concerns, stating "this will pose certain threats to us," Putin remarked.
The Russian leader expressed surprise that Armenia had not acknowledged Karabakh's sovereignty despite its previous declaration of independence. He added that it was only a matter of time before Azerbaijan establishes constitutional order in the region. "Armenia recognized it, but what are we to do?" Putin said, questioning

whether there is any other way to react to the situation. Putin added that in negotiations held in Prague, Armenia eventually recognized Karabakh as belonging to Azerbaijan, signifying a significant shift in its stance. Say: No, we don't recognize? This is nonsense, right? It's some kind of absurdity. We exhausted all our legal options to incorporate a humanitarian aspect. As you know, our peacekeepers sacrificed their lives to protect the Armenians of Karabakh. We aided them with medical assistance, provided humanitarian relief, and facilitated their evacuation," Putin recounted.

The Canadian scoundrel and Ukrainian Nazi.

The President addressed the recent scandal in the Canadian Parliament concerning the honouring of Yaroslav Gunka, a Ukrainian Nazi and member of the SS Galicia division. The head of state finds any claims that the parliament was unaware of Gunka’s history unconvincing. During the Nazi commemoration, Putin quoted the former speaker of the Canadian Parliament. "If the Speaker of the Canadian Parliament is unaware that Hitler and his followers fought against Russia, then he is foolish," stated Putin.

However, if Anthony Rota intentionally declared the SS's actions justifiable by branding the Nazi as a hero of Canada and Ukraine, then "he is a rogue." "These are the individuals with whom we must engage, these are our adversaries from certain Western countries nowadays," the President lamented.

"But, in my perspective, what is also significant is..." He, in fact, placed Hitler's collaborators, the SS troops, and current Ukrainian combat units, who, as he stated, fight against Russia, on the same level. This confirms our thesis that one of our objectives in Ukraine is denazification. This indicates that the Nazification of Ukraine still exists and is acknowledged. Our shared aim is to accomplish denazification," emphasized Putin.
Nuclear deterrence.

The political scientist Sergei Karaganov posed the question to the President of Russia of whether it is the right time for Russia to alter the concept of nuclear deterrence with the aim of "reducing the nuclear threshold" in order to make our partners rethink their stance. The President replied, "Why should we? Everything is subject to change, however, I fail to see the necessity for it. Currently, there are no circumstances in which Russian statehood and the existence of the Russian state are threatened." "Well, no individual in their right mind and with a clear recollection would consider utilising nuclear weaponry against Russia," stated Putin. "However, I have heard proposals to recommence nuclear weapons testing.

   In this regard, I would like to assert the following. The United States and Russia both signed the applicable international agreement that prohibits nuclear weapons tests. Russia not only signed but also ratified the agreement, while the United States signed but failed to ratify it," explained the President.
He remembered that "we have practically finished developing modern types of strategic weaponry that I mentioned and announced several years ago." "We have conducted a successful final trial of Burevestnik, a global-range cruise missile with a nuclear propulsion system. We have completed the development of Sarmat, a super-heavy rocket." The issue is completing administrative and bureaucratic procedures before starting mass production and putting the weapon on combat duty, Putin declared. "Usually, specialists assert that this is a new weapon and we must verify that the special warhead functions without any problems; therefore, tests are necessary.

The issue is completing administrative and bureaucratic procedures before starting mass production and putting the weapon on combat duty, Putin declared. "Usually, specialists assert that this is a new weapon and we must verify that the special warhead functions without any problems; therefore, tests are necessary. We will execute these steps soon," he added. However, I am not prepared to confirm whether we require or do not require tests at this moment. To mirror the United States' actions on the ratification of treaties, it is possible, in principle, to act in a similar manner since we have ratified Nord Stream while the US only signed it.  However, implementing this decision is a matter for the State Duma deputies. It is theoretically possible to revoke the ratification, which would suffice.

The president concluded with this statement, leaving the fate of Nord Streams unclear.

When questioned about the terrorist attacks on Nord Stream, Putin stated that we must first determine who has an interest in them. "Undoubtedly, the American energy supplier to the European market is interested. When questioned about the terrorist attacks on Nord Stream, Putin stated that we must first determine who has an interest in them. "Undoubtedly, the American energy supplier to the European market is interested. He believes that those responsible must face the consequences of their actions. The Americans have been wanting this for a while, and they have succeeded, but it no longer matters whose hands did it," Putin said.

 "If it ever comes to light who is responsible for this, we must be held accountable. This is an act of international terrorism," emphasized the Russian leader.
We are investing in defence but remain committed to our oil reserves.

During the discussion, there was extensive discourse regarding the Russian economy.  Putin announced that the country's economic growth by year-end is expected to reach 2.8-3%. "This is a favourable outcome for our current economic structure in Russia. We've successfully overcome last year's decline and are now working at an accelerated pace," Putin remarked.

The budget deficit is expected to be just 1% by the year-end. Budget deficits of around 1% are also predicted for 2024 and 2025. "We have raised expenditure on not just defense, but also security, which has doubled to approximately 6% of GDP from about 3%,'' noted the President. "To claim that we overspend on arms and neglect oil is not accurate."

"I wish to stress that all the previously announced development plans, strategic goals achievements and social obligations undertaken by the state for the population are being fully executed," stated Putin.

Russia has successfully withstood all European sanctions and has initiated a new basis of development. The country boasts a record low unemployment rate of only 3%, largely due to the growth in the manufacturing sector, which accounts for 43%. Although oil and gas revenues have decreased, they still show a growth of 3%. The president reported a growth of more than 12% in the populace's real incomes. In addition, the Central Bank and Government are implementing measures to mitigate the adverse effects of a rise in inflation to 5.7%. Despite investing in arms, we haven't neglected the oil industry.

The discussion touched upon various aspects of the Russian economy, with Putin stating that the country's economic growth is expected to reach 2.8-3% by the end of the year. "This is a favourable outcome for our economy given its current structure," he added. "We have successfully recovered from last year's decline and are now progressing," declared Putin.

The budget deficit is anticipated to reach just 1% by the end of the year, as per the President's statement. Budget deficits of around 1% are also predicted for 2024 and 2025. "We have raised expenditure on not just defense, but also security, which has doubled to approximately 6% of GDP from about 3%,'' noted the President. "To claim that we overspend on arms and neglect oil is not accurate."

"I wish to stress that all the previously announced development plans, strategic goals achievements and social obligations undertaken by the state for the population are being fully executed," stated Putin.
We are investing in defence but remain committed to our oil reserves.

During the discussion, there was extensive discourse regarding the Russian economy.  Putin announced that the country's economic growth by year-end is expected to reach 2.8-3%. "This is a favourable outcome for our current economic structure in Russia. We've successfully overcome last year's decline and are now working at an accelerated pace," Putin remarked.

The budget deficit is expected to be just 1% by the year-end. Budget deficits of around 1% are also predicted for 2024 and 2025. "We have raised expenditure on not just defense, but also security, which has doubled to approximately 6% of GDP from about 3%,'' noted the President. "To claim that we overspend on arms and neglect oil is not accurate."

"I wish to stress that all the previously announced development plans, strategic goals achievements and social obligations undertaken by the state for the population are being fully executed," stated Putin.

Russia has successfully withstood all European sanctions and has initiated a new basis of development. The country boasts a record low unemployment rate of only 3%, largely due to the growth in the manufacturing sector, which accounts for 43%. Although oil and gas revenues have decreased, they still show a growth of 3%. The president reported a growth of more than 12% in the populace's real incomes. In addition, the Central Bank and Government are implementing measures to mitigate the adverse effects of a rise in inflation to 5.7%. Despite investing in arms, we haven't neglected the oil industry.

The discussion touched upon various aspects of the Russian economy, with Putin stating that the country's economic growth is expected to reach 2.8-3% by the end of the year. "This is a favourable outcome for our economy given its current structure," he added. "We have successfully recovered from last year's decline and are now progressing," declared Putin.

The budget deficit is anticipated to reach just 1% by the end of the year, as per the President's statement. Budget deficits of around 1% are also predicted for 2024 and 2025. "We have raised expenditure on not just defense, but also security, which has doubled to approximately 6% of GDP from about 3%,'' noted the President. "To claim that we overspend on arms and neglect oil is not accurate."

"I wish to stress that all the previously announced development plans, strategic goals achievements and social obligations undertaken by the state for the population are being fully executed," stated Putin.

Russia has successfully withstood all European sanctions and embarked on a new phase of development. The country's unemployment rate stands at a record low of 3%, with the manufacturing sector contributing significantly to growth at 43%. Although oil and gas revenues have declined, there was still a growth rate of 3%. The President reported that real incomes of the population grew by over 12%. Furthermore, the government and Central Bank are implementing steps to counter the adverse effects of inflation rising to 5.7%.