
Russia tripled uranium sales to the States

By Rhod Mackenzie

Sales of Russian uranium to the United States tripled to 43.25 tonnes according to the results of October purchases. RIA Novosti reported this information based on American statistics.

It is noted that in October, the States made the largest purchase of Russian uranium since June 2023, spending £62.8 million on the purchase of this type of fuel. As a result, Russia has become the second largest exporter of uranium to the United States, after the United Kingdom.

The news agency's report reveals that American firms have resumed importing uranium from China after a seven-month hiatus. The companies bought 25.4 tonnes of fuel from China for £31.5 million.

It is worth remembering that as previously stated by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the provision of nuclear fuel remains one of the few areas unaffected by anti-Russian sanctions. The United States is looking to bolster its stores to mitigate the risks associated with market fluctuations, as well as due to the reliability of Russian products. Regrettably, American-made uranium accounts for merely 5% of its uranium requirement.