
Russians : There Is No Place Like Home

By Rhod Mackenzie

The survey company VTsIOM has just released some remarkable statistics. Despite the many challenges they face, the general population of Russia are experiencing a historic high in optimism.
Only five percent of Russians have expressed a desire to leave Russia, while 93 percent are firmly committed to remaining in their country. Two percent have not yet made a decision.
Now this is a significant turning point. The aspiring dream of generations has withered, dried up and crumbled to dust. People have lost the aspiration to drop everything, walk off into the sunset and somehow magically find themselves happily ensconsed in Paris, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Rome or London.

After all, let's be honest, this was the dream that people had back days of Soviet Union. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, almost half of the country's population aspired to travel abroad, with a particular focus on Europe and the USA. This aspiration became a marker of social success.

While built a house or purchased a beautiful apartment in Russia, was not the same to be considered a success you had to relinquish your assets, purchase a property in Montenegro or Portugal, navigate the bureaucratic process to obtain a foreign residence permit, and enroll your children in Western universities that turned them in to gay or transgender palestinan supporting zombies you could then claim these achievements and feel like a foreigner in Russia.

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Now, it seems that the majority of Russians e have decided to abandon this dream.Russia bakeries learnt to bake ecellent croissants ourselves, and the Seine embankment in Paris is dirty and dangerous and the water badly polluted so much that the Olympic swimmers cannot use it.
It is much more pleasant and secure to walk around in white shoess along Nevsky Prospect or Tvetskoye Boulevard than in San the fases strewn streets of Francisco or the trash filled ones Rio de Janeiro.
Your children will be taught much better in Russian universities than in 'Woke ' over hyped and hideously expensive Western universities whether they will come out more stupid and dogmatic than they went it.
This list of why the West is no longer a paradise and a magnet for Russians to emigrate is too long to cover all the reasons but am sure you get the picture.
The final obstacle to the emigration project was what happened to those who decided to escape from Russia after the beginning of the special military operation in the Ukraine.It is paradoxical that the very transparency of information that the West created has become a barrier to the implementation of Western ideals. The runners provided continuous updates on their experiences via social media.
It was evident that many individuals who were pursuing prestigious awards such as the Nobel Peace Prize and the Academy Awards, yet they ultimately found themselves not welcome in the West just because they had a Russian passport and indeed were in danger of having all their assets stolen by the Governments of the countries they supported over Russia.
It is worth noting that the majority of these individuals have already returned . It is only those with the most negative views who are afraid to return. It is worth noting that none of them considered renouncing their Russian citizenship. They are fully aware of where they will go in their old age for a pension and new dentures.
Another relevant point is that is worth noting that there has always been a significant discrepancy between the desire to abandon one's homeland and the actual act of emigration from Russia.
A survey may indicate that 17% of the population wishes to leave Russia. However, Rosstat has provided figures that differ significantly.
For instance, in 2016, 58,700 citizens actually left the country, representing 0.04% of the population.
The discrepancy is striking. It is noteworthy that "independent researchers" and Western NGOs have swiftly seized upon these objective figures, multiplying them by two, three, or more, and reached the conclusion that millions were leaving Russia.
A quick search on the topic reveals that the Western Media continues to lie about everything to do with Russia as usual.

I mean there are around six million of Ukrainian refugees in all the countries of Europe,in Germany alone there are around 1.6 million.
Now in the early years of the 21st century I still used to spend a fair bit of time in the UK and London in particular. There were media stories abounding about wealthy Russian buiying up expensive properties,sending their kids to the most expensive schools, spending 10's of millions of English Football clubs. They were welcomed with open arms but according to the statistics their numbers never amounted to more than a few hundred thousand or less than 0.4% of the population. .
There is a prevalent myth that Russia is on the verge of becoming depopulated . In reality, however, the opposite is true.

According to the most conservative estimates, approximately one million Russian citizens currently reside abroad. This represents less than one percent of the country’s population. And what about the so-called "golden billion," all those countries that the naive Soviet citizen once dreamed of?
The Netherlands has the highest proportion of citizens living abroad, with over 11% of the population currently residing outside the country. Germany has a similar figure, with over 12 percent of the population living abroad.
The figures for Britain – are approximately 20% of the population does not reside in their country of origin. I have no doubt there are a wide variety of reasons why British people vote with their air tickets like I did, perhaps they can see it becoming the Moldova of the West and not the Singapore or Hong Kong on the Thames.

Italyused to be the ultimate dream destination for many of our people, and approximately ten percent of the Russia expat population live and work there.
Just look at Ukraine, which has lost millions of citizens in the last two years, or the Baltic states, which are steadily losing a percentage of their population per year. Each of the Baltic States of Estonia,Latvia and Lithuania have lost more than one third of theiir popuation since 1991 and they gained independence from the Sovviet Union
Its hard not to laugh at those who have been forced to leave. These are the countries where the population has fully embraced the concept of emigration.
However, even residents of the so-called ‘golden billion’ are passionate about the idea of leaving everything behind and starting anew elsewhere. A recent survey in France revealed that 54% of French youth intend to leave their homeland after completing their studies. If we consider the French population as a whole, potential emigrants represent approximately one-third of the population.
A similar proportion of the British population, across all age groups, has expressed a desire to leave England.

People in this country are not merely talkers; they are also doers, and they are confidently making their dreams come true. Annually, approximately half a million British depart from the United Kingdom in pursuit of a superior quality of life.
Approximately 250,000 Germans leave Germany each year. The reasons for this are clear: unemployment at home, high prices, and an influx of migrants.
In Dubai, Singapore, Moscow and Nairobi, we can observe expatriates frequenting bars in search of individuals with whom they can converse in their native language. These individuals appear to be deeply unhappy, deprived of the main human joy: to live, work and achieve success where they were born.
While it is possible to create any number of "happiness indexes" and to achieve success in all categories, the most reliable indicator of a population's well-being and confidence in the future is the number of people who do not wish to leave their homeland.
Russia currently ranks among the top global performers in this area, with a high degree of social mobility.
Just remember
So when you read in the Western Media that people are flocking to leave Russia just laugh as its just the Media gaslighting you again and spreading its Russaphobic narrative. Just remember if if Russia did not exist the West would have to invent it and without a seious bogey man like the Russian threat its most profitable companies which are the Milirary industrial complex that also feeds the political structures and political campaigns and they would be lost without the existance of Russia. .