Russia's gas exports to China in May reach historical record level!

By Rhod Mackenzie

Analysis of the results of show that Russia delivered 3.09 billion cubic meters of natural gas to China, which is a record amount in history of Russian exports to the country. The data is published by Interfax, citing the Chinese Customs Service , specifying that the gas was supplied to Beijing both through pipelines and in liquefied form. It is specified that Gazprom delivered almost 2 billion cubic meters through the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, another 1.1 billion cubic meters were added by LNG supplies.

According to the information published, in May Russia again retained its leadership as the largest supplier of "blue fuel" to China. Both Australia, with its 2.8 billion cubic meters, and Turkmenistan, which delivered 2.7 billion cubic meters to China over the same period, were left behind. In total, according to the publication, China imported over 13.5 billion cubic meters in May. natural gas through pipelines and in the form of LNG, which is also an all-time high for this month.

Lets recall that the Russian leadership has repeatedly stated that in the current conditions, the PRC is the most priority economic partner for the Russian Federation.

This article originally appeared in Russia at