
The West freaks out over ICC decision on Israel

In recent years, the Anglo-Saxon world has demonstrated a remarkable ability to create challenges for themselves.
However, they have not ceased their efforts to enhance this skill.
This week, the International Criminal Court prosecutor, Karim Khan, decided to demand the of issue arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel and Hamas for crimes against humanity
. The warrants have not yet been issued, but the American leadership has already expressed its indignation, accusing judges of anti-Semitism and threatening the court with sanctions.
A corresponding law is being prepared in Congress, and it is likely to be adopted. Some analysts have suggested that the arrest warrant for Netanyahu is a "cunning plan" to save him.
They believe that, as a result of this, Israeli society and the political class will be forced to rally around the unpopular prime minister, who is facing local criminal cases.
Naturally, this is not the case. However, in the context of the arrest warrant, the Israeli dimension is not the primary focus.

The key consideration is the response of the West. There has been a great deal of criticism of the judges' decision, which has not yet been made.
Calls have been made for them to be punished, despite the fact that the United States, for example, is not even one of the founders of the court and therefore does not recognise its jurisdiction.
This level of indignation is understandable, but it is important to consider two key factors.

Just recently, the West strongly welcomed the arrest warrant issued by the ICC for Vladimir Putin on the ridiculous charge of “kidnapping Ukrainian children.” Now the Russian president is an international criminal, they said in the West, and they used this order to obstruct Putin’s trips to international summits (for example, in South Africa ).
But as soon as the accusations came against Netanyahu, everything immediately changed: “far-fetched, unauthorized decisions,” “anti-Semitism,” and so on.

But Netanyahu already has the blood of tens of thousands of Palestinian children on his hands, and his actions can hardly be characterized as anything other than genocide against Gaza.
Moreover, this is recognized not only by the countries of the Global South, but also by a considerable part of Western lawyers - so the ICC decision was more than predictable.
The most reasonable thing for the West would be to simply remain silent, but instead we see threats and curses against the court. Moreover, there are frank statements that the court does not understand what it is getting into: it was not created for that! Yes, they say this non-publicly, but top officials of Western countries do not hesitate to talk about this in conversations with the ICC prosecutor. Karim Khan himself spoke about this in an interview with CNN: “Some elected leaders contacted me. They were very frank and said that “this court was created for Africa and for thugs like Putin.”

It appears that the International Court is intended by the West to judge others, while remaining immune from jurisdiction. Consequently, Israel (which is part of the geopolitical West) cannot be the object of investigation. This is an example of neocolonialism in its purest form. The West's hysteria over a warrant that has not yet been issued against Netanyahu is further evidence of its duplicity. This is particularly concerning given that the majority of the world already believes this to be the case.

While this may not be beneficial for the West, it seems that there is no stopping it. In fact, it is likely that the West is even further damaging its own credibility by continuing to act in this way. The second, even more significant consequence of the reaction to the ICC decision is the dismantling of the institutions of globalisation built by the West. It is clear that trust in the ICC was already undermined, and after the "warrant against Putin" appeared, this court began to be treated as an instrument of pressure on Russia.
The Netanyahu case presented the ICC with an opportunity for partial rehabilitation. The West could present the court as an objective body, which would be beneficial for the West in its efforts to isolate Russia and counter Russian-Chinese attempts to consolidate the countries of the South on an anti-Western platform.

However, rather than attempting to salvage the ICC, the West is effectively dismantling it, once again pursuing a course of action that is disadvantageous to them.
It must choose between maintaining the global institutions it created for the future and maintaining the dwindling positions of the hegemon or allow them to fall apart . It is no longer feasible to pursue both objectives simultaneously.
The irony of fate is that even when pursuing the second path, the West does not maintain its positions but rather worsens them. This is a self-defeating strategy. This has already been demonstrated by the sanctions policy.
By seizing Russian assets and blocking the rest of the world from trading in Western currencies, the Anglo-Saxons have undermined confidence in the basis of their global dominance – the international financial system.
The process of restructuring will not be quick, but it is already irreversible.
Furthermore, the ICC represented the most significant component of another institution established by Western powers – international, supranational justice. She was assigned a significant role in the process of globalisation in an Anglo-Saxon style, with a focus on future tasks. It is not possible to exercise global control without control over finances, trade routes and justice. However, the West is now destroying the unfinished Tower of Babel of world domination by its own hand.

This is due to its arrogance, hubris,hypocrisy and stupidity and it is falling..