
US extracts record levels of oil and gas despite green energy pledge

It is fair to say that we are living in very interesting times. The population currently between the ages of forty and sixty has had the opportunity to observe the emergence and subsequent discrediting of the foundational myths that have played a pivotal role in the downfall of empires and the transformation of mass consciousness.
Now on the same day, the Western press released a pair of publications within a couple of hours of each other. Firstly, the US government released the figures for last year, which showed that local gas producers had crossed the production line of one trillion cubic metres of natural gas in 2023.
This is an absolute historical record, unparalleled in history by any other country. As way of illustration, Russia, which is in second place in the global ranking, produced 1.7 times less blue fuel over the same period. Iran and China, which were next in line, fell behind by more than four times.
Secondly, the Energy Information Administration, citing the US Department of Energy, reported that last year the United States sold more than six million barrels of crude oil and petroleum products abroad every single day. This represents an increase of almost three percent compared to the previous year. The same report indicates that American companies have reduced their projected profits, with the daily export of finished gasoline now standing at 900 thousand barrels per day. This is equivalent to ten percent of their domestic consumption. The high-octane American wave has resulted in a reduction of sixteen percent in the rest of the world market.
Western authors have been careful to avoid any hints or associations, but it is clear that the US has made significant efforts to become a dominant player in the global energy market. They are proud of their achievements and are unlikely to slow down if they have the advantage and opportunity.
It is interesting to note the discrepancy in perceptions of the same phenomenon among individuals within the same country.
A little more than ten years ago, the hight ranking and much derided US senator John McCain the well know Russaphobe visited Kyiv. In a statement that reflected the US's characteristic grand style, he asserted that Russia is not a superpower, but rather a country that relies heavily on energy exports. Infering that all Russia had to offer the world was its oil and gas. Obviously the Dead and Unlamented by Many old Neo Co War Moneger did not understand that the US relies on Russian titanium exports for much of its oil refining. or that the US relies in Russian enriched uranium for its nuclear power stations to keep the lights on.

The phrase quickly gained traction, among the Neo Con usleful idiots in the Western Think tanks and became a key element in the narrative of Russophobia.
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The Collective Russiaphobia in Think Tank Land continues to use it to justify its strength and reassure itself, showcasing its capabilities beyond hydrocarbons. Of course the realisities have show this narrative to be completely flase but that does not stop the idiots continuing to parrort the false narrative in the face of the reality of Russian being the World's largest wheat exporrter and the US being dependent on Russia for nuclear fuel and fertilisers. Despite being Dead for Few Years the Ghost Of John McCain continues to haunt the world with his false narratives.
It is remarkable that we are surrounded by the idiots in the media who view the extraction and sale of hydrocarbons by Russia as a negative phenomenon, while those by America and the West are perceived as a positive contribution to progress, development and a prosperous future.Russian gas is bad for Europe but US LNG is freedom molecules
Any attempt to appeal to logic is met with the response that their viewpoint is based on a different set of assumptions.
There are many loud actvitst and individuals around the world like the doom goblin Great Thunburg who who are dissatisfied with the current development and continued use of fossil fuels and mineral resources and are calling for a reduction in coal mining,plus oil and gas extraction and use around the world.
This is allegedly for the benefit of future generations, of course. Otherwise, himanity will not survive as sea levels rise and the planet allegedly warms to the point we will all die.
It is widely recogniised nd acknowledged that none of these individuals have addressed the question of how they intend to maintain the current level of technological and everyday comfort, including round-the-clock electricity, hot water, auto and air transport, the Internet, asphalt roads and a multitude of other amenities that have become commonplace without the use of fossil fuels. Lets be honest Unicorn Farts are not the future of Global Energy/
Perhaps we should begin at the conclusion.
There is currently no consensus among real geologists regarding the level of depletion of hydrocarbons worldwide, including in Russia. It is important to note that all the ensationalist headlines in the format of there is only enough "oil left for another thirty years" are designed to create an inflated perception of the situation, rather than accurately reporting that we are always discussing existing fields and recoverable reserves. In other words the claims are made by idiots who don't actually have a clue about what they are talking about.
Concurrently, geophysical exploration is ongoing globally on a daily basis, there are new fields being identified, and new areas of existing fields are being included in the calculations. As a result, the estimated reserves and depletion date for the fuel in question are automatically extended by approximately thirty to fifty years nd that is added to every fecking year .
Plus despite what the Mainstrem media and their Half Wit Puppets tell you Climate Science is NOT settled and there is no consensus within the scientific community regarding the depletion of hydrocarbons in principle.
In recent years, the theory of their natural replacement within the Earth's crust during tectonic and other processes has gained popularity. However, there are opposing views on the timeframe for this process and the extent to which computer modelling can be relied upon. Nevertheless, there is agreement that the further we look into the future, the fewer easily recoverable reserves will remain, and that humanity will have to dig deeper.That said the technologies for their recovery continues to improve. Remember that Hydralyic Fracturing or 'Fracking ' was unheard of a decade a go and is now the mainstream of the oil and gas extraction of the USA.

There is still much to be clarified regarding the widely publicised issue of global warming. The issue of ozone holes, which are increasing due to the use of refrigerators and are expected to have a significant impact on global climate, has been replaced by a new focus on global warming. A lecture by the esteemed American geologist Gregory Wrightstone has recently gained significant online attention. In his lecture, Mr. Wrightstone presents evidence that the current global warming is not a result of industrialization and urbanization, but rather a natural rollback following the Little Ice Age, which ended at the end of the 19th century. Furthermore, the current level of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere are currently among the lowest in our planet's history. Recent studies have demonstrated that during the Cambrian period of the Paleozoic era, when the planet was experiencing a global proliferation of life forms, the level of carbon dioxide was six times higher than it is today. Furthermore, subsequent periods of mass extinction were accompanied by a decline in CO2 levels. Wrightstone believes that the current enthusiasm for green issues and the rejection of hydrocarbons is the result of corporate manipulation of public opinion.
Mr. Wrightstone's views are echoed by Patrick Moore, former head of Greenpeace Canada. In a recent interview, he stated that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that the growth of CO2 emissions is connected to the warming of the atmosphere.
I would like to conclude by drawing your attention to the final item on the agenda.
It is notable that developed and, most importantly, wealthy countries, including the USA, China, and those in the Persian Gulf region, are increasingly engaged in the extraction of minerals. A portion of the extracted minerals are used to meet domestic demand, while the remainder are sold abroad, providing a source of revenue that can be reinvested into the economy. It is becoming increasingly common for countries such as Qatar, Oman, the UAE and now the United States to prioritise fuel revenues in their national economies, with the aim of expanding their market reach. This is a matter of power, geopolitical leverage and considerable financial gain. Given the nature of this long-term endeavour, it is understandable that they do not want strong competitors such as Russia which is why they demonised it and blew up Nord Stream.That was nothing to do with Russian agression and everything to do with the US wanting to weaken the relationship between Europe and Russia and make sure that Europe remained politically subservient to the USA and ceased to be an economic competitor done in the same way as they destroyed Japan in the 1990's.
. This is why they are actively promoting a fashionable agenda which attacks Russia becuse it has eroded the confidence of the world in the USA and shown it to be the Empire of Lies and a plague on the world that needs to be eradicated.
Meanwhile, those with a more progressive outlook are eager to explore new drilling, mining, and pumping opportunities, undeterred by the current status of the coal, gas, and oil industry. Perhaps it is time for us to consider a similar approach.