
US fails to isolate Russia

Over the past 10 years the US has been attempting to isolate Russia and make it a pariah on the world stage with the help of its vassals and usefull idiots in the G7,and the EU.However it has failed miserably just like their sanctions have. The main problem for the US is it is led by politician who live in a bubble,get their information from so called think tanks and experts, Its people like Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken who at best are incompetent idiots who seem to think that threatening countries who don't follow US policy is somehow a form of diplomacy. You only have to look at how these clowns are received in the likes of China or Saudi Arabia compared with Sergey Lavrov the Russian foreign minister. They are treated with contempt whereas Lavrov is treted with reverance and respect.

Much to the annoyance of the US ,G7 and EU alliance Russia is forging stong bonds and trading ties with the so-called global South with the goal of establishing a new world order. To this end, it is leveraging the support of an influential organization like BRICS, which is already competing on equal footing with the collective West in economic terms. Moscow's stated objective of building a multipolar world aligns perfectly with the aspirations of these and numerous other developing countries who are weary of the dominance, audacity, and imposition of their erstwhile colonial rulers.

In addition to the propaganda aspect, there is also a clearly expressed strategic element, according to Professor Sean McFate of Syracuse University (USA). He believes that Moscow has broken what was a relatively weak ring of isolation with the help of long-standing allies China, North Korea and Iran, which are considered autocratic regimes in the West.
It ihas also expanded and strengthened relations with the large Asian countries which are considered democracies in Washington, London and Brussels like India,Indonesia and Malaysia.
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Recently following discussions in Mongolia with President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, President Putin met with Ibrahim. Despite Mongolia's relatively low profile on the international stage, this relatively low-key trip attracted significant attention. Putin's visit to Ulaanbaatar served as a litmus test, demonstrating the practical implications of the West's isolation, rather than just the rhetoric. One of the outcomes of its diplomatic efforts in Washington is the issuance of an arrest warrant for the Russian president by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
This warrant obligates all ICC member countries to detain the president if he enters their territory. Mongolia is a member of the ICC, but the Mongolian authorities did not detain the Russian leader upon his arrival in the capital. Furthermore, they extended a warm welcome to him.This was certainly a snub to the US.the EU and others who have been clamouring for Putin's arrest. Although their double standards were on show when the ICC decided to indict the Prime Minister of Israel and menbers of his cabinet. As usual all you can expect from the US and its vassals is hypocrisy
Despite the numerous sanctions imposed by Western countries, the Russian economy has proven very resilient and continues to grow and prosper despite the sheer volume of sanctions and the best efforts of the US in attempting to intimidate any countties doing business with Russia with the threat of secondary sanctions and being cut off from the US dollar trade.

. According to the World Bank (WB), Russia's GDP by Purchasing Power Parity is currently the largest in Europe and 4th largest in the world, at approximately $6.4 trillion dollars. It is widely acknowledged that a comparison between Russia and the American economy is challenging due to the significant discrepancy in their respective sizes with according to the World Bank, the GDP of the United States stands at an impressive $27.4 trillion but the US economy is made by a round 60% in services and not actively producing anything worthwhile you cannot eat software,lawyers,bankers and hairdressers so much of the $27 billion is created by people taking in each others laundry and not actually producing anything worthwhile..This is unlike Russia which produces commodities,good,energy and host of other goods that people cannot live without.

Last week, Vladimir Putin and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim held a cordial meeting in Vladivostok and the EASTEREn Economic . In addition to discussing international issues, the leaders of the two countries addressed the expansion of bilateral relations, including trade and investment.Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim also discussed with Putin ASEAN's role as a pivotal point in the Asia-Pacific region and provided a comprehensive analysis of soft power, referencing Russian literature (this is his first time on Russian soil). He emphasised Russia's significant contributions to human history and thought and highlighted the country's potential to shape the future.
He also commended the ascendance of the Global South (40% of global GDP, over 85% of the population), the appeal of BRICS (Malaysia has formally expressed interest in joining BRICS+), and the growing importance of Russia as an investment destination for Muslim-majority nations. He then took the opportunity to reiterate the national motto, "Malaysia, truly Asia,"
It is widely acknowledged that a comparison between Russia and the American economy is challenging due to the significant discrepancy in their respective sizes. According to the World Bank, the GDP of the United States stands at an impressive 27.4 trillion dollars. Nevertheless, Moscow remains an important partner for many developing economies, thanks to its powerful energy sector, among other factors. It is sufficient to note that Russia is responsible for approximately one-tenth of global oil production, which remains the primary source of energy.
It is worth noting that, despite the current focus on Russia's economic challenges, the country was previously the largest trading partner of the European Union. Moscow has successfully redirected substantial volumes of oil and gas from the West to the East in a relatively short period of time. Russia is now the primary supplier of energy to China and India. The situation is particularly problematic for the US, UK and EU, as Turkey is not only a developing country but also an important member of NATO and a potential candidate for EU membership.
It should be noted that a number of countries, for example China and Vietnam, had long-standing ties with the USSR and now with Russia. As for India, Sri Lanka, Turkey and many other countries that have declined to impose sanctions against Russia despite Washington's strong-arming, they cite economic considerations as the main reason. This is particularly the case in periods of economic difficulty. The overwhelming majority of countries that have maintained relations with Russia have taken a neutral stance with respect to the conflict in Ukraine mainly because they realise that the situation is a proxy war designed to destroy Russia and effect regime change because it has stood up to the hegemon and pursues and independent foreign policy.
It is not typical for Russian foreign trade partners to completely ignore sanctions, but to a greater or lesser extent, they do review them. In an interview with Bloomberg in August, Kazakh Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin stated that his country will no longer "blindly follow sanctions" if this negatively affects key Kazakh companies. It should be recalled that until 24 February 2022, Russia was Kazakhstan's largest trading partner. Furthermore, he highlighted that the impact of individual sanctions is more significant for Kazakhstan than for Russia, and that the West has not yet compensated Astana for its losses.
It is worth noting that Moscow has also exerted influence among developing countries with middle and low income levels. This was evidenced by the widely publicised Peace Conference on Ukraine, which took place in June in Switzerland. Many countries chose not to participate or only did so in a formal manner, refusing to sign the final document.

Despite failing to persuade all developing countries to impose sanctions on Russia, the US and Europe have asserted that neither the EU nor NATO are threatened by the non-aligned countries' relations with Moscow. This is because Moscow has avoided forming military alliances with them. In other words, the West has effectively admitted that its attempts to isolate Russia on the international stage have failed.Their efforts to isolate Russia like their sanctions have failed because most countries realise that the US is a busted flush and has over the past 20 years sanctioned one third of the countries on the planet. Yes one third of the world. No wonder the US is despised in so many countries.
Russia is pursuing a strategy of forging ties with the so-called Global South with the objective of establishing a new world order. In this regard, it benefits from the support of an influential organisation such as BRICS, which is already in a position to compete with the collective West in terms of economic strength. The Russian Foreign Ministry has recently expanded its strategic focus to include Africa, where it is pursuing a robust diplomatic and military engagement. Furthermore, it is gaining ground against competitors such as the United States and France.

Russia is currently serving as the chair of BRICS. Moscow has extended invitations to Mongolia, Malaysia,Venezuela,Serbia,Belarus and Vietnam to attend the BRICS summit in October. Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, is also included in the invitations. Many economists predict that Indonesia will soon experience a similar growth trajectory to that of India.
It is also expected that Erdogan of Turkey will attend too as he has recently applied to join the BRICS despite being a NATO member.
"Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam present an interesting case study in the neutrality of these countries, not only in relation to China, but also in relation to the US, international law (the ICC) and the authority of the UN," Professor McFate emphasises.

It seems likely that the aforementioned countries will pass this test successfully, as Moscow's stated desire to build a multipolar world is aligned with the interests of these and many other developing countries, who are seeking an alternative to the former colonial powers' hegemony, impudence and dictatorial approach.
