
USA faces Soviet Union Style Collapse

By Rhod Mackenzie

A few days ago one of the comments I got in resonse to one of my videos was from someone who had just watched a video of the the prominent US alleged economist,philospher and writer. Nial Ferguson
He said in his comments that my clear and consise ( in his opinion) assessment of what is going on in Russia and the BRICS was a breath of fresh air. Now that provoked me to have a look at the pronouncements of Mr Ferguson.
Mr Ferguson drew the analegy of the USA being in the position of the Soviet Union in 1987      

So having done so here are some of my thoughts

In a series of articles published  in a number of outlets , Neil Ferguson says that the USA today is like the USSR in 1987, i.e. there is very little time left before the catastrophic collapse of the USA in a way that the Soviet Union  
Now to my mind I find this both interesting and very amusing. I also read an article by the Russia  senaor Alexei Pushkov who  points out to Ferguson's, focusingon  to the low birth rate and the growing infant mortality, ( He means high levels of abortion) "which serve as reliable indicators of the pre-death state of society", i.e. the social and state catastrophe in the USA is iminent.

But let's look at the details of the dispute that has arisen in America itself over Ferguson's ideas, and move from the pleasant to the useful. That is, let's spend less time enjoying  the problems of the United States and more time thinking about how we can the ISA get out of the situation it faces  today.
The thing is, the situation is not the  same as faced USSR of the late 1980s, so Ferguson is not very accurate .
Here are his five "Soviet" signs of US decline:
a gerontocracy in power,
a bloated bureaucratic apparatus,
a lack of faith in government institutions,
high mortality rates ( that includes a high abortion rate where more Black babies are aborted than are born in NEW Yoork, now that is a frightening statistic.
  Plus a wild ideology that no one  sensible accepts anymore. I mean  who actually believes that Men can become Women by putting on a Dress and chaning their name?  150 years after the abolition of slavery and the enactment of the Civil Rights Law and  a Black President in the USA that Black people are still facing discrimination.

Is this like the USSR in 1987? In my opinion it is  nothing like that.
As far as ideology  goes , it's all true, but it what is happening in the US is very different and more  reminicent of an earlier era plus the atmosphere in Russia  was different.
Changes  in the Soviet Union had been pushed for but rebuffed and the sitution  for the reformers seemed  hopelessl, te difference was in 1987 the "gerontocracy"  disappeared and everywhere  then there were furious debates about the ideology of the rebirth of the Soviet doctine and ideology ..
What  Ferguson has got wrong in his analysis like most stupid  Russaphobic is he mixed  up the eras.
Now Ferguson is a a man of rather unusual and sharp views, and is now clearly preparing a new book on a subject he touched on in 2004 when he wrote - yes, even then - about the rise and fall of the American empire.

But he was certainly not known for his understanding of Russian affairs in fact any body who has read his scribblings will come to the conclusion he is absolutley clueless on Russia and its past
. His critics are not known much better as they are just as stupid, clueless  and ignorant of Russia and the Soviet Union as he is although some actually very unexpectedly are critical  of his thoughts but their critcism is  along the lines of "Neil, you are wrong".  but don;t actually point out why
That is, they say that America is going through a  totally different  sort of crisis

Now Helen Andrews of the American Conservative magazine gives three reasons for why the USA is facing systemic disaster.
The first is that bloated, terrible monster - the Heathcare lobby. It accounts for one-sixth of the US economy, and the amount of money that flows between insurers and clinics is simply enormous.
At the same time (Helen quotes colleagues here), all the facts and statistics of this lobby are false, they are used - we would add - to intimidate people and force them into healthcare insurance and spending.
The result? No, it's not even about the president, who the doctors tried to bring back to life for the debates, but failed. It's about the overall picture, the USA has a fairly average level of medical care at hugely inflated prices. On top of that - - there is high infant and adult mortality and falling life expectancy. ( Life expectancy in the US has dropped dramitacly due to the high rates of obesity,diabetes and drug use.
That nothing like what was happening  in the USSR; the decline of this sector  was just one of many other things that were in decline.
The healthcare system was not the monster that strangled the life out all living things in the Soviet Union like it does  in the USA.( That was defence spending in the cold war anybody see any similarities here?
According to statitistics most bankrupties in the USA are not because of the failure of businesses but from the inability to pay the huge and exhonbitan medical bills.
I mean in the US a trip in an ambulance to a hospital is 100 times more expensive than a taxi . If you have a heart attack in the USA for your relatives flying you home in a coffin and a really good wake is around  thousand times cheaper than a stay in hospital.
Monster number two is the education system,  Four million people are employed in  the US so called education system ,it has  $1.6 trillion in student graduate debt.Most of whom have come out of universities with degrees that are as much use in finding gainfull empolyment as a chocolate teapot. Plus they are worse than toddlers with expectaions out of this world and an attitude of entilemnet plus they think that 'Freedom of Speech ; is only for those who agree with them    
The situation is the same as the health care,  which is a disaster. The imposition of ideas and values on society at its own expense. What the now has is a machine of oppression that operates autonomously from politics, but it  largely drives . It is  not the politicians, who have created the main ruling ideology of the Democrats - 'Diversity, Equality and Inclusion' (DEI).But the ideology of the Marxism that has taken over the USA since the 1960's

It is about artificially creating advantages for previously 'disadvantaged' sexual minorities or, for example, black people. As a result, the overall level of human capital, including technology, is falling, and the country which once was producing all sorts of wonderful discoveries is now way behind places like  China and other competitors.
The  the decaying infrastructure of the country is a topic for another video but the feaces covered streets of its major cities, its railways and bridges  disintegrating every day are a good example
By the way, Helen also has something to say about China: "Today, when an American goes to China or other East Asian countries, they see that everything works there - not like in America.

Well, and thirdly, the main component of the general collapse of the USA is, of course, money, the absurd budget deficits and a national debt that will never ever be paid off. The US is now spending more on interest on its debt than it does on anything else including its enormous so called defence budget  
However you can still see something in common with the last years of the USSR. To put it mildly, there were some very strange things happening with money back then.
Americans may not understand how the systemic disaster of the USSR came about. Most Russians don't like to talk about the last days of the Soviet Union as theyare ashamed..
Here in Russia they look at the past now  and can see all the signs that were there when the Soviet Union collapsed.
Since Vladimir Putin became president Russia has been on an upward curve both economically and from the perspective of the people,they now have a standard of living that most who endured life in the Soviet Union could only have dreamed of;.  

I am sure that many of you will disagree with me and if you do please use the comments section to tell me why,
I do hope I have provoked some healthy debate and its free unless you wish to donate  .