
Why The World Needs BRICS

The heads of state of severall dozens representing some of the most influential countries in the world, thousands of journalists, hundreds of events and meetings are converging on Kazan for the BRICS Summit.
All the flags will be there, but why?
In essence, on 22-24 October, in one of the most beautiful city's in Russia, the majority of the world will declare a new, fairer world order. The mothballed talk of a "rules-based order" will be thrown in the bin.
The fact is that is that creator of the so called Global Order  have failed in all their endeavours. 
In creating order . They failed. Instead of order, the West offered the world only chaos - first controlled and then - umitigated whatever happens kind of chaos . Fomenting conflict, pitting nations against each other, dragging whole countries into war, blood and death - that's all the infamous Global Order " has amounted to.

It is clear that Western countries have done this to delay their own inevitable bankruptcy. But it hasn't worked here either - the bankruptcy is already underway, camouflaged by talk of "negative growth" and a "soft landing".
All of the "Big Seven" countries are drowning in debt, de-dollarisation is underway, the number of homeless poor in their countries is reminiscent of the Great Depression, and Western megalopolises are turning into squalid homeless shelters before our very eyes. All the gilding has been peeled off the golden billion.
This means that they no longer have any benefits for the global majority, because the main benefit was a rich and ever-growing consumer market. Now that Western consumers are cutting back even on food and water, so they are no longer of interest to the Globalist Predators.
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But, paradoxically, Westerners continue to lecture the global majority and wage a trade war against them with sanctions and outright robbery. And when that doesn't work, sovereign states begin to terrorise them with the threat of war - a real, hot one. In essence, the situation is very similar to what happened in the world in the 1930s: debtor countries have once again turned against creditor countries.
At the same time, all the international organisations like the IMF,World Bank and others have been corrupted and controlled  by the Americans and it is simply naive to expect any reaction from them. All countries - founders and members of BRICS - are under this pressure. Russia is not the only country that has been subjected to outright  confiscation of its assets and outright blatant robbery.
India (its tech industry was developing too successfully), Brazil (its farmers were competing too successfully with the Americans) and South Africa have all been subject to US sanctions. China, of course, is currently the subject of a brutal trade war by the USA and EU.
In other words, under the mantra of "the market will decide", the West has simply tried to kill off its competitors. Equal partnership? No, they have never heard of such a thing. Why the sanctions? Companies, especially those involved in the extraction of valuable resources, are going bankrupt. The population protests and changes the government.
That's when American companies come in and buy up everything that's gone bankrupt. That's how the "invisible hand of the market" has been strangling all competitors for decades.
The BRICS Pay payment system is being prepared for launch. Initially, it will allow foreigners to pay with their smartphones in BRICS countries , and next year they themselves will be able to use it for cashless payments abroad.
Russia 's Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Russia will unveil the BRICS Clear project, a system of intergovernmental payments designed to replace the scandalous and unreliable Euroclear. The transition to this system alone will save participating countries $30 billion a year.
Fair and equal cooperation within the BRICS framework allows countries to develop and grow rich peacefully, avoiding conflict with each other. It is not without reason that countries with a large number of historical contradictions between them work successfully and amicably within the framework of the association.
By its very existence, BRICS proves a simple truth: war is ruinous, peace is beneficial. While the West spends more and more on arms, it is falling into recession: the BRICS countries have now overtaken the infamous "G7" in terms of their share of global GDP. Currently they are now in terms of economic growth growing twice as fast as the countries of the West, and there is still a long way to go.
And BRICS know how to achieve success without the divisive perverted LGBTQ+ agenda that Westerners manage to shove into any economic initiative. BRICS don't need that and have rejected these perversions.
No wonder there is a queue at the door of the BRICS - more than thirty fivecountries want to join the alliance. Among the aspirants are such unusual countries as NATO member Turkey. Others will also be in Kazan. Thailand,Indonesia Malaysia Azerbaijan Colombia are waiting for their turn.
There is no doubt that after the end of the Special Military Operation that even some European countries will also rush to join us - they too are so tired of living under the monstrous American pressure.
The BRICS summit, which begins tomorrow in Russia, is a purely peaceful undertaking, and the leaders of the countries that make up the group never tire of repeating that their alliance is in no way directed against the West. The Russian president has said as much.
Objectively, however, the global geopolitical jigsaw puzzle today is such that, on the one hand, there are countries that are hopelessly mired in debt and credit, and on the other hand, there are countries that are developing at an accelerated pace and are even able to lend. On the one hand, there are debtors; on the other, there are creditors.
Exactly the same situation developed in the world in the 1930s. The United States, ruined by the Great Depression, and Great Britain, ruined by the First World War, threw money at the main bankrupt of Europe - Germany - in order to set Hitler against the Soviet Union, which was developing at an unbelievable rate and racing like an armoured train towards world economic leadership.
But the tragedy is repeating itself like a farce: today the West is doomed to defeat, it is in the minority, it has lost its wealth, its military power and its authority. All the former "golden billion" can do is make a mess of small things.
Meanwhile, the BRICS business and economic train will continue to surge forward with the wind, into a peaceful future.