WSJ : Western sanctions imposed on Russia failed miserably

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian economy has withstood the test of the sanctions imposed by the West after the start of a special operation to protect Donbass and has demonstrated its strength. This was reported by The Wall Street Journal on August 2 , citing various sources.

It is noted that "the failure of the West to quickly bring the Russian economy to its knees" due to the launch of a special operation, "is similar to the situation on the battlefield."

As the newspaper pointed out, Russia had problems with importing microchips, but the country was able to solve them and now it has the ability to strike daily with precision weapons. Also, despite the restrictions imposed on the sale of Russian oil, they continue to sell it, and hydrocarbon production has decreased only slightly.

According to analysts who spoke to the publication, the stability of the Russian economy is due to significant government injections, the development of the military-industrial complex (MIC), as well as the reorientation of foreign trade towards its eastern partners, in particular India and China.

The day before, American political scientist John Mearsheimer said that Western countries miscalculated , expecting success from the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions.

On July 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Western countries are imposing sanctions against those who do not agree to live according to the rules they have invented .

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 23 that Russia has won the world commodity markets in recent times, as it sells oil above the price ceiling set by the West. As noted by the publication, the rise in oil prices suggests that Russia has managed, “at least in part,” to adapt to the sanctions restrictions .

On July 7, Putin said that some countries are trying to create difficulties for Russia , but they are not succeeding and will not succeed. He expressed confidence that Russia will cope with possible difficulties and suggested discussing measures to overcome them.

On July 4, Putin, speaking at the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), said that a hybrid war is being waged against Russia, but the country is confidently resisting external pressure and sanctions .

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on June 27 that the EU had failed to bring Russia to its knees with sanctions or to achieve peace in Ukraine.

Western countries have stepped up pressure on Russia after the start of a special operation to protect the Donbass . The decision to hold it was made on February 24, 2022 against the backdrop of an aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by Ukrainian troops.
This article originally appeared in Russian at