SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Bulgaria intends to no longer use Russian oil, rendering the efforts of the Russian oil company Lukoil, who own and operate a local refinery, futile. In response, Lukoil is prepared to sell their assets in Bulgaria prior to the authorities seizing the plant by force. How intentio...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In December 2023, analysts are concluding their assessments of the past year. One clear outcome they all agree upon by the majority is the achievement of the Chinese currency.

The Financial Times reports that the yuan has demonstrated significant triumph in 2023. This is rather...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian gold mining ginat Polyus plans to produce the first batch of gold at Sukholozhskaya gold processing plant in Irkutsk by 2028, according to Roman Engelgardt, the company's director for government affairs in the region.

"Once the Sukhoi Log mill achieves its designate...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Bolivia is aiming o fully join BRICS, this was confirmed by its embassy in Russia to Izvestia. Meanwhile, the nation is prepared to grant partners access to its natural resources, notably lithium. Bolivia is not the lone country with a weak economy seeking BRICS membership. Howev...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The proportion of payments made in rubles for exports from the Russian Federation to Europe has set a new record, as revealed by by a report from the Central Bank. In September 2023, over half - 54% - of payments were made in the national currency according to statistics from the...

By Rhod Mackenzie

A senior representative of the Russian Ministry of Defence has recently visited various African states. Which specific countries are being targeted, what are the issues are under discussion and how might Russian security (and other) structures be advantageous to African nations?