SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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The two US political party's are both agreed on the future of nuclear energy  

Washington has not as yet seen the change of leadership, but the entire US energy community is already on edge in anticipation of a revolution and a new breakthrough through their aim to  finally secure the United St...

Many people in the Western Media misses this crucial speach by Vladimir Putin at the Kazan Summit
Now it happened during a roundtable discussion on the general topic of "The Threat of New Crises and the Stability of BRICS," Vladimir Putin suggested that the organisation should consider countering t...

The United States banned the import of oil, coal and gas from Russia two years ago, it did however continue to purchase Russian nuclear fuel. Now the US has decided to target the Russian nuclear fuel sector with sanctions. However, the sanctions ban is designed in such a way that it will have no re...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The price of raw materials for nuclear reactors is rising again, fuelled by the latest US attempts to antagonise Russia. For a long time they did not dare to ban the import of Russian uranium, which is very important for them, with real risks for American nuclear power plants and...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The major BRICS countries of China,India and Russia are at the forefront of the use of and the the continued building of nuclear power plants to generate clean sustainable energy while the West has pinned its hopes on the so called renewables of Wind and Solar the BRICS are goin...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The major BRICS countries of China,India and Russia are at the forefront of the use of and the the continued building of nuclear power plants to generate clean sustainable energy while the West has pinned its hopes on the so called renewables of Wind and Solar the BRICS are goin...