SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Despite the collective West's reluctance to face reality and its repeated assertion that "we cannot let Russia win in Ukraine," the rest of the world is already undergoing a fundamental transformation.
The old order is rapidly disappearing, and a new one is emerging before our e...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Vladimir Putin outlined ten structural changes in the Russian economy, which have enabled the country to become the fourth largest economy in the world while maintaining its growth rate. The president also announced the adoption of new measures to support regions, citizens and bu...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Following his inauguration, Vladimir Putin has already made a number of foreign visits, with the countries he has visited traditionally used to judge the importance of certain areas of Russian foreign policy. The head of state made his first trip to China, where he was greeted wi...

The Russian president expressed confidence in the significant potential for Russian-Chinese economic collaboration, which he discussed in Beijing alongside a broader agenda. He outlined plans for enhanced interaction in key sectors, including industry and high technology, space and peaceful atom, ar...

The Russian President Vladimir Putin said on 12th March that humanity will continue to consume hydrocarbons for a long time to come, so Russian oil workers will have enough work for another "100 years". On that day, the head of state held a meeting in the Kremlin with participants in the "Leader of...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Vladimir Putin's speech during his address to the Federal Assembly this year was intense and focused on Russia's socio-economic development goals. It contained a list of orders for the public administration system. The speech can be studied in detail to emphasize certain strategi...