SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia is experiencing a surge in oil revenue. In May, budget revenues increased by almost 50%. The total volume of oil and gas revenues for the first four months of 2024 was approximately 4.16 trillion rubles. Experts cite three main reasons for the growth: an increase in world...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The revitalized BRICS is strengthening its position on multiple fronts simultaneously. Russia intends to establish a shared grain exchange, which will enhance Moscow's significance as a primary supplier and bolster the food security of the interstate alliance. Furthermore, this w...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Bank of China (BOC), one of China's four largest state-owned commercial banks, has inaugurated its first branch in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.

This move aims to extend the use of the yuan in trade and finance. Analysts have observed that since the recent BRICS Summ...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The refusal of Russian gas by many European nations last year, coupled with the resulting energy crisis, compelled Europeans to seek out "blue fuel" from around the globe, despite its high transport costs or price. The augmented demand for gas not only rendered the European gas m...

By Igor Nedkin

As of the results of Monday, oil prices werw up to almost $90 per barrel. In total, from the lows of the end of June, the growth has been 25%. Until recently, this was hard to imagine this happening , because the market seemed to be frozen - prices have remained in the range of $ 75...

Since August 28, stamp duty on securities trading in China has been reduced by 50%, according to Bloomberg. In addition, the exchange regulator has limited the volume of sales of shares under certain conditions. Markets reacted to the government's stimulus measures with growth - CSI 300 Index soared...