SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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On 13 June, construction commenced in Dubna, near Moscow, on a mega-science class facility: the superconducting collider of the NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility) accelerator complex. Construction of the facility commenced at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in 2013, a year...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Over the past two years, the concept of the "Global Majority" has emerged as a prominent feature in Russian foreign policy discourse. The term is used to define the group of more than 100 countries that are not participating in the West’s economic sanctions against Russia. The mo...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's first visit to Russia in five years highlighted two key areas of economic cooperation between the two countries. These are the oil trade and the construction of nuclear power plants and the supply of nuclear fuel. What can India expect from R...

By Rhod Mackenzie

On 26 June 1954, exactly 70 years ago, the world's first nuclear power plant (NPP) was launched. The plant in question was the renowned Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant, constructed in the Soviet Union.
What were the key factors that led to the creation and structure of this station?...

By Rhod Mackenzie
While many countries are moving away from using coal to consign its use to history, China continues to increase its consumption. This commitment to coal seems to contradict China's impressive successes in green technologies and poses a threat to global efforts to combat climate ch...

The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that China will produce one-third of the world's electricity next year. China's ever expanding power grid is driving growth in its manufacturing industry, which in turn affects the economies of its trading partners such as the USA, Europe, and Japan. Fu...