SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Pepe Escobar

Get ready for what may well be the geoeconomic bombshell of 2024: the coming of a decentralized monetary ecosystem.
Welcome to The Unit – a concept that has already been discussed by the financial services and investments working group set up by the BRICS+ Business Council and ha...

The BRICS countries, led by Russia, are considering creating their own foreign trade settlement system based on blockchain. This could be economically profitable and politically safe, as it would make the BRICS countries less dependent on the decisions of Western politicians.
The BRICS countries...

By Rhod Mackenzie

During the meeting of the finance ministries and central bank governors of the BRICS countries in Sao Paulo,the Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov stated that Russia is prepared to assist the bloc countries in creating their own payment system. This system will be based on...