SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The Western Presspress, citing their special resources, have reported that in 2024 the Russia the volume of the wheat harvest is expected to fall by three and a half million tons, to 89.6 million in total. They report with obvious concern that by the end of April, world stocks o...

By Rhod Mackenzie

A reduction in grain yields as a result of the May cold in central Russia is possible, but the impact is not expected to be significant enough to affect global trade or the country's food security. Anatoly Tikhonov, a candidate of economic sciences and director of the Center for...

The European Union has increased imports of Russian fertilisers to a maximum level since December 2022. In February, the volume of deliveries amounted to 167 million euros in monetary terms. This exceeded the previous month's figure by 16 percent in physical terms and 21 percent in monetary terms. W...

The Shakhovskaya Niva company is constructing a livestock dairy complex in the Moscow region for 2,400 forage cows. The complex is being built according to a customised plan, which aims to achieve an average milk yield of 45 litres per cow per day. This exceeds the current global average of 30-40 li...

According to the Russian Grain Union, the area dedicated to durum wheat cultivation is expected to nearly double this year. The Ministry of Agriculture reported that one million hectares will be sown with this high-quality and expensive wheat in the upcoming season.
It appears that the relevant dep...

By Rhod Mackenzie

On March 5, during a meeting with representatives of the agro-industrial complex in the Stavropol Territory, Russian President Vladimir Putin endorsed the proposal to establish a grain exchange under the BRICS framework.
He noted that stock speculation affects prices, which in t...