SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Last week the Russian President make a statement where he outlined his proposals for a peace deal in the Ukraine and the start of negotiations,I even dida video about it and the response to it by the magazine the American Conservative which felt there was merit in the proposals.

British billionaire Jim Ratcliffe, founder and head of the petrochemical giant Ineos Group, has stated that the high cost of electricity and carbon have undermined the competitiveness of the European petrochemical industry, sending it into a state of decline.
In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Mr R...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Denmark, along with other countries with access to the Baltic Sea, are considering imposing sanctions against the so called shadow fleet of tankers that are transporting Russian oil.
According to one version, Denmark wants to block the tankers passing through its waters. So what...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Over a two-year period, Western companies purchased around $715 million worth of titanium from Russia, according to estimates in The Washington Post. As usual all the deals for buying Russian titanium have been kept very quiet despite all the loud public commitments to stop buyi...

By Rhod Mackenzie

When the historians and economists in the future look back at the history of the EU and particularly the European Commission and the decisons they made in the years in the run up to 2022 particularly their all out move to cut the use of fossil fuels and focus on renewable energy...

By Rhod Mackenzie

As you are all aware the US imposed sanctions on Russia in 2014 in response to the Crimea deciding after a referendum to unite with the mother land of  Russia. The EU followed the example of the US like the good vassals they are.Over he Crimea they declared than the referendum wa...