SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Analysts interviewed by RIA Novosti predict that gold and its related financial instruments will maintain their investment relevance and status as a hedge against inflation in 2024.
Investments in gold are considered conservative and can act as a protective asset during periods...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The news that Russia is considering the possibility of storing part of its reserves in the currencies of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia made us think: why are we always looking for a safe haven abroad and not investing in our own projects?

Stocks abroad
Let's start...

By Sofwan F Arrasyid

The global economy always moves in ever-evolving dynamics, every economic actor, whether countries, groups of countries, multinational private companies or international organizations, has a significant role. One group that is increasingly prominent in the world economic lands...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian bank VTB published figures regarding their sales of gold ingots to individual customers. It appears that Russians are still keen to buy gold, and this autumn the demand has gone up. What is the reason behind this sudden craze for gold and what other ways are there to...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian gold mining ginat Polyus plans to produce the first batch of gold at Sukholozhskaya gold processing plant in Irkutsk by 2028, according to Roman Engelgardt, the company's director for government affairs in the region.

"Once the Sukhoi Log mill achieves its designate...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russian gold miners have set a new record by selling five times more gold to Hong Kong than before. However, China's official data on the purchase of Russian gold is markedly lower. Analysts suspect that Beijing is attempting to conceal its large purchases of gold from the West,...