SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Baidu, a Chinese entity, has been procuring chips from US-based company Nvidia for a prolonged period. The ongoing technological friction between Beijing and Washington, coupled with US Department of Justice's sanctions on Chinese corporations, has resulted in the Chinese firm s...

The US and China are currently entangled in an undeclared technological war, with both countries exchanging blows. Following the US's tightening of the exports of advanced chips to China, including those designed for the Chinese market, Beijing has responded by intensifying controls on the export of...

By Rhod Maceknzie

The US government intends to introduce fresh measures this week to further impede Beijing's acquisition of cutting-edge chips and production equipment. These latest restrictions aim to bolster the prohibition measures set in place precisely one year ago, in October 2022. Specific...

By Rhod Mackenzie

As updated rules restricting the export of US chip-making equipment to China is reportedly in the final stages of review, Chinese analyst said on Friday that the US should show some sincerity if it desires the improving of relations with China and abandon its two-faced approach a...