SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The common assumption that technology firms generate the highest revenue is erroneous. As per Fortune magazine, in 2023, the most lucrative corporation globally is neither Apple Inc nor Google. Instead, it is the oil conglomerate Saudi Aramco, with 90% of its shares currently own...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Saudi Arabia is keen on oil prices hovering around the range of $85-$90 per barrel. This is the price level necessary to mitigate their significant budget deficit. In light of this, the Saudi side has expressed discontent with the oil production levels of certain countries, accor...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The West is struggling to devise further sanctions for the Russian oil sector. The price ceiling has proved ineffective, with Russian oil being sold above the limit for six months. The European authorities are currently deliberating a potential ban on the sale of oil tankers to R...

By Rhod Mackenzie

India and China took the lion's share of Russian oil exports that dropped out of the European market. However, other buyers also contribute to the Russian budget: Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the UAE. All of them increased purchases of oil and petroleum products from Russia. Analysts st...

By Rhod Mackenzie

For the past five months, Russian oil has been traded above the $60 price limit set by Western nations. This oil is transported by numerous parties including Greek shipping companies and tankers that have lacked Western registration and insurance. As a result, Russia's monthly in...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia has almost entirely evaded the price ceiling imposed on its oil by the countries of the G7 last December, which was set at $60 per barrel, states the Financial Times (FT). The publication cites a senior European official, who reveals that in October, nearly all of Russia'...