SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Pavel Devyatkin

Is there really a Russian-Chinese partnership in the Arctic? What is China’s role in the Arctic and how far does it go beyond climate change and environmental protection? These are some of the most hotly debated questions in Arctic security studies and they were at the top of my...

By Rhod Mackenzie

A seminar on the utilisation of the potential of the Việt Nam-China-Russia international intermodal rail transport route was conducted in Moscow.

The Vietnamese Embassy in Russia organised the event, which had a participation of 200 representatives from pertinent agencies of th...

By Thomas Lethoba

The 15th BRICS Summit saw leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa reach a consensus to ramp up efforts of expanding the bloc of nations, with the announcement of six additional countries.

In a move aimed at changing the world order, a five-nation group of emerg...

By Vali Kaleji

On the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), this mega project has been significantly affected by the war and conflict in Ukraine and the Western sanctions against Russia, writes Valdai Club expert Vali Kaleji.

In his article, Dr. Vali Kaleji, a Tehran-based expe...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russian gold miners have set a new record by selling five times more gold to Hong Kong than before. However, China's official data on the purchase of Russian gold is markedly lower. Analysts suspect that Beijing is attempting to conceal its large purchases of gold from the West,...

By Rhod Mackenzie

India's attempt to "decouple" from China in the supply chain for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) could lead to significant costs for the Indian and global pharmaceutical industry, this was cautioned by Chinese industry analysts. Such a move could impact the final market...