SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Rhod Mackenzie

A video conference was held the day after the G20 summit - on Monday 11 September. The venue in Moscow was the RIA Novosti International Multimedia Press Centre.

The editor-in-chief of Modern Indian Politics and Economics, Professor Ashwani Mahajan, explained India's position...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In the first half of 2023,the volume of trade between the Russian Federation and China grew by 40% - previously the countries have not shown such results, said the head of the Institute of Asian and African Studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Alexey Maslov, speakin...

By Rhod Mackenzie

More than 80% of payments between the Russian Federation and China are made in national currencies, so we can declare that the de-dollarization of economic relations between the two countries has taken place, said Georgy Zinoviev, director of the first Asian department of the Rus...

By Ksenia Loginova

Western countries are increasing pressuring Abu Dhabi to stop exports to Russia of dual-use goods that they say are helping Moscow in the Ukrainian conflict. First of all, we are talking about microchips and other electronic components. The United States and allies have repeated...

By Olga Samofalova

The Russian economy has got used to and overcome the effects of sanctions.
After a difficult first half of the year, when Russia's oil and gas revenues fell sharply and the budget faced large deficits, the Russian economy has begun to emerge from its slump. The growth of the co...

By Lito U. Gagni

With the addition of six more countries to BRICS during the group’s recently concluded summit in Johannesburg, the big question now is whether the Philippines and its Asean partners are keen on being a part of the emerging economic grouping that could alter the global economic lan...