SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Anna Koroleva

The Turkish president is going to discuss with the Russian president a return to the grain deal on new terms. The UN has indeed put forward proposals that look attractive, but the organization's ability to enforce them is questionable. Russia will outline its priorities at the mee...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In 2024, the Russian company behind the brand Putin Team Russia will open its first stores outside of Russia. They are talking about opening stores in China, India, the UAE, as well as the countries of the CIS - the first flagship stores will be launched primarily in the major ci...

By Viktoria Panova

On August 24, 2023, the BRICS summit in Johannesburg ended, its overall significance will be realized later - currently there are too many variables at stake - but nevertheless, it is already possible to put aside the first emotions and evaluate the obvious consequences of the...

By Olga Samofalova

India is promising to drastically cut its purchases of Russian oil as the price of Middle Eastern oil has become more attractive. It would be a major blow for Russia to lose such a large buyer, and particularly given the current sanctions. However, analysts are confident that...

By Vladimir Chernov

Germany, which having reduced its reliance on the purchase of pipeline gas from Russia, has now become dependent on Russian fertilizers. The rising energy prices have impacted the operation of the countries chemical enterprises and now Germany imports fertilisers rather than...

By Viktoria Panova

BRICS has received an impulse to make a real transition to a new, more just world order. The ability of the new BRICS to fully realize itself and fulfill the mission of the transition depends on how our descendants will remember the 21st century, writes Viktoria Panova.
