SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The Chinese state-owned company Sinopec will be holding a tender to buy large volumes of LNG on the spot market. Analysts fear that the already high prices will return to last year's levels and that previously European bound cargoes will start to flow to Asia.

Chinese companie...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In 2023, Germany will significantly increase its imports of oil products from India. German companies import large quantities of gasoil, which can be produced from Russian oil.

"German imports of petroleum products from India increased twelvefold - from 37 million euros in the...

By Rhod Mackenzie

A video conference was held the day after the G20 summit - on Monday 11 September. The venue in Moscow was the RIA Novosti International Multimedia Press Centre.

The editor-in-chief of Modern Indian Politics and Economics, Professor Ashwani Mahajan, explained India's position...

By Rhod Mackenzie

A video conference was held the day after the G20 summit - on Monday 11 September. The venue in Moscow was the RIA Novosti International Multimedia Press Centre.

The editor-in-chief of Modern Indian Politics and Economics, Professor Ashwani Mahajan, explained India's position...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The low demand for gas in Europe is evidence of the malaise of the European economy. This malaise is particularly noticeable in Germany, whose economy is in a very difficult situation after its rejection of Russian pipeline gas supplies.
Along with record gas prices last year, t...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Analysts at JPMorgan, have concluded that the correlation between the strength of the dollar and oil prices is weakening. Moreover, thishas happened mainly because literally every day more and more transactions in the oil markets take place not in dollars, but in national currenc...