SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Sergey Manukov

Slightly forgotten in recent months, gas is back on the list of potential threats to the global economy. It is noteworthy that the event in distant Australia, which reminded everyone of gas, with which everything seemed to be in order, judging by the prices and the fullness of un...

By Andrey Kortunov

Is Russia losing India? They raise this question at practically every conference, workshop or an expert meeting on Russian-Indian relations since the times of the Soviet disintegration in early 1990s. Quite often, the predominant views expressed by participants are pessimistic,...

By Evgeniya Makhmutova

In May 2023, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov of Turkmenistan has announced the country’s readiness to launch an international transit corridor to Iran, Iraq and Turkey as part of the major East-West international transport corridor (ITC). According to the Turkmen leader, Tur...

By Dr Nadia Helmy

China has planned a huge project within the framework of its Belt and Road initiative to curb US influence in Latin America through the state of Colombia. This Chinese project aims to link the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of Colombia and Latin America to counter and limit the grow...

By Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan

BRICS is a formal alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Its upcoming Summit is scheduled to be held on 22-24 August in Johannesburg, South Arica. BRICS host South Africa has invited 69 countries to attend the upcoming summit. The invitation has...

By Evgeny Zainullin

The stocks of Russian metal in the warehouses of the LME have increased against the backdrop of the growth in storage of metals from other countries. Thus, stocks of Chinese and Chilean copper rose sharply in July. The basis of reserves is Russian aluminum, the volume of which...