SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker rental prices have started to rise earlier this year than in previous years. The reasons are the same as those for rising gas prices: expectations of growth in demand for gas in winter and the possibility of interruptions in its supplies from Au...

By Sergey Manukov

It looks like America's shale revolution, which has doubled shale oil production over the past decade, is indeed coming to an end. Now the oil industry is no longer thinking about increasing production. Now all thoughts are that it should not decrease or decrease as slowly as pos...

By Alexander Ivanter

In June, Russian GDP grew by 0.1% after 1.5% in May with seasonal and calendar components excluded, the VEB.RF Institute estimated. This was the fourth month of consistent growth in the economy, as a result of which GDP came close to the pre-crisis maximum of December 2021.


By Israel Nyaburi Nyadera

Between July 27 and 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted leaders from Africa at the Expo Forum in St. Petersburg. This marked the second time African leaders have gathered in Russia to discuss ways of strengthening their relations following the first summit, held i...

By Sergey Manukov

One can talk about modern India for a very long time. It is the fifth largest economy on the planet with the highest rates of economic development among the major countries, plust it is already planning to reach the second place by the middle of the century. India also is the mo...

By Anna Koroleva

Oil is balancing between China, the US and OPEC+, giving food for multidirectional forecasts, which nevertheless fit into a certain corridor. At the same time, as one of the analysts points out, the discount for the Russian grade Urals continues to decline faster than forecasts.
