SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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Global Times Opinion

It is known that NATO is shortened to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. However, unwilling to be stuck in the North Atlantic area because of its name, the transatlantic alliance is now striving to extend its reach into the Asia-Pacific under the guise of addressing the "...

Global Times Opinion

With Southeast Asia's infrastructure projects attracting attention from the Western developed countries, China may face some competition when it comes to strengthening infrastructure cooperation with Southeast Asian countries. However, China's advantages lie in construction te...

By Rhod Mackenzie

For the first time in a year, the revenue of non-commodity companies in the Russian Federation showed growth. In April, the turnover of such enterprises increased by 7.4% compared to 2022. This was reported to Izvestia in FinExpertiza. The profit of large and medium-sized enterpr...

By Yaroslav Lissovolik

Since the BRICS+ format was re-launched by China in 2022 a radical change took place with respect to BRICS on the international stage. Within a span of just about one year dozens of countries from the developing world expressed their willingness to join the block. Looking ba...

By Yaroslav Lissovolik

As the August 2023 BRICS summit draws near, there are more and more alarm bells ringing from various parts of the academic community regarding the “excessive ambition” coming from BRICS attempts to change global governance. One of such recent pronouncements came from no othe...

By Ahmed Adel

Following the Western sanctions that froze Russian assets abroad because of the special military operation in Ukraine, sovereign investors now prefer to hoard physical gold over derivatives or equity indexes (ETFs). According to a survey of central banks published on July 9, many cou...