SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

As expected, China reacted angrily to the communique of the NATO summit in Vilnius, in which Beijing is called the main challenge to the interests and security of the Alliance. NATO leaders argue that the PRC threatens the Alliance's interests, security and values ​​through "decl...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The contracts for the export of Russian wheat are proceeding at an active pace. Thus, according to Sovecon, at the beginning of this week, export contracts for 4.5 million tons of wheat were concluded, while a week ago this figure was 2.2 million tons, and in early June - 1.1. Ru...

Global Times Opinion

China's top diplomat Wang Yi will attend a series of ASEAN meetings in Jakarta from Thursday to Friday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday, as China reiterates its support for ASEAN unity and emphasizes its commitment to properly handling sensitive issues with r...

Global Times Opinion

With another setback for its high-end manufacturing, India's manufacturing development needs not just the government's ambition, but also the industrial planning that suits its own conditions.

Apple supplier Foxconn, the world's biggest contract electronics manufacturer, ann...

Global Times Opinion

The NATO summit is being held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from Tuesday to Thursday. The meeting focuses on plans to "counter the threat" from Russia, including discussions on NATO's expansion and Ukraine's future membership to NATO. Meanwhile, NATO's strategic impulse to meddle in...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Europe will ensure the highest growth in demand for Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG), despite the sanctions background, Belgium, Spain and Greece will significantly increase its imports, follows from a comment by Ivan Timonin, a consultant at Vygon Consulting.

"Despite the s...