SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

London has announced its intention to construct the first “high-tech nuclear fuel facility in Europe” that would produce high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU), in what appears to be a bid to create competition for Russia, which currently dominates the market.
The UK has awarde...

By Rhod Mackenzie

After the Western sanctions, India has strengthened its role as a major buyer of Russian oil. The current volume of transactions is back to its peak. However, exporters have managed to capture another critical segment - fertilisers. Delhi started to increase its purchases from Mo...

By Rhod Mackenzie
The national project, "Efficient and Competitive Economy," will be launched in the near future to achieve national goals. This was announced on May 12 by Alexander Novak, the candidate for the post of Deputy Prime Minister, during a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Energy. A...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The European Union is continuing to implement sanctions against Russia in an attempt to restrict its international financial transactions. The latest package of sanctions includes a prohibition on EU banks using the Russian analogue of SWIFT, the Financial Message Transmission Sy...

The Chinese President's visit to European countries took place against the backdrop of a sharp increase in Washington's pressure on Beijing. China would like to secure the pragmatic cooperation of sovereign European elites and defend its economic interests.

The first visit of Chinese President Xi...

China accounts for 35% of global goods production, a figure that is even more impressive when considered alongside the country's 17% share of global GDP. This dominance is set to increase further as the Chinese industrial sector grapples with overcapacity. Finished products accumulate in Chinese war...