SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Despite vocal opposition, the European Union continues to trade with Russia. In March, the Russian Federation received a record level of revenue in rubles for exports from European countries, with the share of the Russian currency reaching 58.5%. The energy sector obviously playe...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The United States' upcoming elections are still some 5 months away, and even the most optimistic political scientists are reluctant to make any direct and unambiguous predictions regarding their results. Meanwhile, Washington is already one step away from unleashing a global war...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The weather this spring has been challenging for Russian farmers. Drought, floods and frosts have led to reduced grain and wheat yields. 900 thousand hectares of crops have been destroyed, and it is too late to replant wheat. Will Russian farmers be able to survive weather anomal...

The USA,EU,UK and the countries of the G7 have decided that the established rules of law laid down over two Millenia into Judeo Christian law based on the 10 commandments given to Moses by got no longer apply and I don't mean Do not Covet Your neighbours Ass or even His Wife's Ass. What I mean is th...

In recent years, the Anglo-Saxon world has demonstrated a remarkable ability to create challenges for themselves.
However, they have not ceased their efforts to enhance this skill.
This week, the International Criminal Court prosecutor, Karim Khan, decided to demand the of issue arrest warrants f...

The sanctions aganist Russia by the USA/EU and G7 countries have presented Russia with an opportunity to reposition the most important instrument of its sovereignty – its financial and stock markets – and nove them in a new direction. Lets look at the issues were facing Russian financial instituti...