SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The International Monetary Fund has revised its growth forecast for the Russian economy in 2024, more than doubling its previous estimate from 1.1% to 2.6%. This marks a significant increase in optimism compared to last year's forecast. The IMF forecast shows that the Russian eco...

By Rhod Mackenzie

A ceremony was held in Egypt, on the Mediterranean coast, west of Alexandria, to pour concrete into the foundation of the fourth power unit of the El-Dabaa nuclear power plant. This project is another export venture of Rosatom, the leader of the global nuclear industry. The event...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The largest oil company on the planet seems to have revised its oil demand forecast. Based on this sudden 180-degree turn, there have been significant changes in Saudi Aramco's long-term policy. The company, to everyone's surprise, including those in Saudi Arabia, has abandoned p...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The EU is allocating money to create a new transport corridor through Central Asia, bypassing Russia. The new route is their a competitor to the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” project. Brussels does not hide the fact that these plans are directed specifically against Russia. Will...

By Rhod Mackenzie

At the end of the year, China once again achieved impressive GDP growth rates of 5.2%. Among large economies, only India is expected to outperform China in 2023. However, this success is tempered by the fact that a significant portion of this growth is due to deflation; in nomina...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The dispute between Azerbaijan and the European Union structures is escalating. The Azerbaijani delegation has suspended work in PACE, and there have been leaks about Baku's intention to leave the Council of Europe. This situation is also linked to Russia's interests in the South...