SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

In the last monthe of autumn , the Chinese currency ranked fourth in global payments, reaching a record 4.61%, according to the SWIFT Financial System. The growth rate of the yuan's share speaks for itself: it has almost doubled compared to last year's 2.37%. Additionally, in Oct...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia's NovaTEK, which is leading the Arctic LNG-2 project, has sent force majeure notices to a number of customers, this is preventing it from starting deliveries on time early next year. It is known that China's Shenergy Group and Zheijang Energy, as well as Spain's Repsol, ha...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The share of so called 'toxic' currencies in the Russia's export trade payments has nearly halved since the beginning of the year. In October, it accounted for only 24.7% of total revenues, according to the data of the Bank of Russia. The primary reasons for this are the sanction...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia has been able to withstand the impact of sanctions more easily due to the 'big country trap.' This conclusion was reached by the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The scientists explain that if a state is a major player, then limiting its exports,...

By Rhod Mackenzie

During a meeting with the Chinese Premier Li Qiang on December 19, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin stated that the use of national currencies for payment of goods and services between Russia and China has increased. What is the the potential trade turnover between the tw...

By Rhod Mackenzie

According to Thomas Hill, a former senior State Department official and the current director of the North Africa program at the American Institute of Peace (USIP), the recent expansion of BRICS should concern the United States. Hill explains that new members and prospective membe...